From the President  

Mr Zac Piesse (SVC 2008-11) 

Thank you to those who attended this week's Old Virgilians Association Commitee meeting and your ongoing readership of OVAtions. We had much to discuss and I am excited for upcoming changes and events planned in 2023.


Your attendance is requested at the Annual General Meeting (details below) this month. We have faced challenges to garner sufficient support to ensure the continuance of the Association over the past several years – the fact that it has survived has been in no small measure due to the extraordinary input of the late Mark Waddington, the SVC/OVA Liaison.


Sadly committee member Tony Rainbow lost his battle with cancer recently (refer to article later in this edition of OVAtions) and Bruce Woods who has given 12 years of outstanding service ought to be given the opportunity to take a break, therefore there will be vacancies on the committee. 


If you feel the ‘call’ to serve on the Committee or want to know more, please contact our Secretary, Graeme Rainbow on grainbow@stvirgil’  or 0467 514 667.


Nominations close on March 18.

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday March 28, 7.00 pm

St Virgil’s College Junior Campus

102 Patrick Street, Hobart

Our Story

The Association’s monthly newsletter (OVAtions) is available to anyone whose email is on our database. If you know of any OV who is not receiving OVAtions directly, please feel free to forward them this edition and encourage them to update their details here.  


All previous copies are able to be viewed on the Association’s website:


Collectively, OVAtions records the changing story of OUR St Virgil’s College and amazing stories of Old Virgilians.


At the official opening of St Virgil’s College on Sunday January 22, 1911, Brother M McCarthy, representing the Christian Brothers’ leadership, expresses his aspirations for the new college. “The College would be,” he proclaimed, “synonymous with all that was broadest and best, most liberal, and most progressive in the educational work in the State.  He hoped that , year by year, it would send forth a stream of young men of well-trained  intelligence , of strong moral character, and of high ideals, young men who would enter as a vitalising force into the social, intellectual, and civic life of the country and contribute the part of good citizens to its progress.”


I feel that the alumni of the College have realised Br McCarthy’s aspirations - may it continue to be the case.   

Building Update

The building program on the Austins Ferry site continues. With all going to plan, occupancy of the building is expected as early as next week, with the Year 11 students moving into their new block (pictured right) and refurbishment/extension of the Hamilton Wing (on the left) is due for completion in September.

Bruce Woods and Graeme Rainbow have started putting together a video that will portray the development of the Austins Ferry Campus over the past 60 years. The video will become available on the internet.  Amazing changes!

Melbourne Reunion

Many thanks to those OVs living in Melbourne and surrounds who provided additional email contacts. The April edition of OVAtions will contain more specific arrangements for the proposed 2023 Melbourne Reunion.  Spread the word!

Calendar Events in 2023

Tuesday March 28

AGM, 7.00 pm

St Virgil’s Junior Campus, 102 Patrick Street, Hobart

Tuesday May 2 

Luncheon, 12.00 pm

Maypole Hotel 

Tuesday August 8  

Luncheon, 12.00 pm

Maypole Hotel 

Saturday August 19

Melbourne Reunion RACV City Club, 6.30 pm

Further details in next article

Friday November 10

Annual OVA Golf Day, 11.30 am 

Royal Hobart Golf Club

Tuesday November 21

Memorial Mass followed by Luncheon, 11.00am

Austins Ferry Chapel

Friday December 1

End of Year Drinks, 6.00 pm

Maypole Hotel

I thank you for your support of the Association and urge you to consider involvement, from being on the Committee or assisting in the coordination of a minor event.


Best wishes,
