Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Levi M

For showing courage when sharing his work with the class (Rick D3) 

Amelia B

For always showing kindness and respect (Holly D4)

Kokomi S

For a wonderful first term at school! (Hannah D5)

Aliza M

For using our school value of Courage to share more in class (Jessica M1)

Charlie D

For demonstrating our school values (Rebecca M2)

Charlotte L

For growing in confidence when reading to Claire (Claire M3)

Paul B

For demonstrating courage at the start of every day. You come into the classroom and get ready for the day, even when you are feeling tired. Great job, Paul!  (Ms W & Ms K M4)

Lilah H

For being engaged in learning and sharing her knowledge. Well done, Lilah! (Amelia M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Brandon S

For showing kindness towards others (Mrs Brown B1)

Jed S 

For being a fantastic role model on our zoo excursion (Brooke B3)

Riley H

For demonstrating our school values during our excursion to the zoo (Mr Loader B4)

Victoria P

For working hard on her information report on Zebras (Miss J & Lauren B5)

Hamish T

For representing MRPS in a positive manner while at the Melbourne Zoo. Well done, Hamish! (Miss J & Lauren B5)

Jacob S

For your thoughtful contributions in Guided Reading (Kyra & Emily P S1)

Maylea Mc

For challenging herself to present her work in front of the class (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Imogen O-G

For a brilliant Earth and Space Project (Mr C S3) 

Brodie W

For applying his knowledge of multiplication to solve division problems (Troy S4)



Mitchell C S2

For being a very kind and considerate cross country competitor (Miss Wood & Katherine)

Levi W S1

For supporting fellow runners during cross country and setting an excellent example (Miss Wood & Katherine)

Rory S S4

For giving it all a "RED HOT GO" in P.E and for an excellent effort during cross country (Miss Wood & Katherine) 

Stevie S B1

For running the whole distance of the cross country (Miss Wood & Katherine)

Poppy D M2

for demonstrating independent and tuneful singing when building towers (Mrs Polson)

Damien M M2

For demonstrating independent and tuneful singing when building towers (Mrs Polson)