Connect Ed

Connect Ed for 2023

Our six week Connect-Ed program has come to an end for this year.

It has been a huge success with great attendance and participation from parents and carers. From the feedback we have received, parents feel more confident in supporting their child’s learning at home. This is the primary reason for running the program, to connect school with home and recognising the importance that parents and carers play in their child’s learning.

Over the six weeks we have covered all areas of Literacy and Numeracy. Parents and carers have dutifully taken homework home to share with their child. Some of the activities have been used in the classroom so children are familiar with them. They have become the teacher for their grown-up at times, teaching them how to play or complete a task. It has also developed a common language between school and home.

Some of the feedback from participants:

“Extremely useful. I have found out so much about how to help my daughter in her learning. It is extremely beneficial”.

“This is a great program. Great to see how the kids learn and how we can help them. Also wonderful to meet other parents and get to know the teachers too”.

“My child has opened up more in terms of explaining their day when I’ve asked about certain things I have learned here”.

“Our child really enjoyed the 1:1 time doing homework and has continued to want to do activities which has been nice”.


The other reason for running the Connect-Ed Program is to encourage parents and carers into the classroom in the role of ‘parent helper’. Attending the program has given participants a sense of familiarity in the classroom and an understanding of how a lesson is taught. Parent helpers are always welcome, and teachers find the ‘extra pair of hands’ supports the students’ learning. Usually a small group activity, planned for by the teacher, is typical of what a parent helper will be involved with. We hope to start this in Term 2 once we have settled into the new term.

We would like to sincerely thank all participants in the Connect Ed program for your time and enthusiasm over the six weeks. We have got as much enjoyment out of it as you have!


Pat Withell and Hannah Gluyas