A Message from Parents & Friends 

Hi everyone,


Thank you to everyone for their fundraising support during Term One - how is it almost over? That flew by so quickly, which also means it’s almost time for our Colour Explosion! Thank you to everyone who has supported this event - we can’t wait to see how Friday goes and how the students have so much fun with the new obstacles! 


Harmony Week Bake Sale

Thank you to everyone who took the time to bake or provide some treats for our sale and to those who bought them. We are pleased to announce that we collected $1129.60 in cash in support of this event. A big thank you to Leanne for organising this and to the team of volunteers who came along and helped sell the bakes. We think we will have to have another one again for sure! 


Friday treats

There will be no Friday treats on Friday 31st March due to the Colour Explosion. All students will be given an icy pole at the end of their Colour Explosion session. 

Term 2 roster to help sell Friday treats is open for volunteers  - please use this link to sign up:  



Colour Explosion - Friday 31st March

Thank you to everyone for their donations and support. Please remember that all online donations (we’re so close to the $20k target for Cam to be slimed) need to be completed by 3pm on Friday 31st March and all cash donations need to be at the office by 9am on Monday 3rd April. Keep on sharing this link: 



Please ensure that whoever is donating selects your child as we cannot guarantee that we can reallocate once the donation has been made. 


All volunteer spots are full for this event, but you’re welcome to come along and support your children as a spectator. 


Hot Cross Bun Drive 

Thank you to everyone who placed an order- it’s greatly appreciated. Orders are being distributed for your children to bring home on Wednesday 5th April. If your child is absent or you’re unable to collect, please can you let Jenny in the office know. 


Term 2

Here’s what is coming up next term: 

Monday 8th/ Tuesday 9th May - Mother’s Day stall 

Friday 12th May - Mother’s Day stall (9-10.30am)

Friday 12th May - Mother’s Day event

Thursday 1st June - Subway special lunch 

Thursday 22nd June - School Disco


Parents & Friends meetings 

All our meetings can be found in the Facebook group - AGPS Parents & Friends Events - the link is:  



Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 5th April at 7.30pm online. So if you work or have been unable to make the meetings, this is your opportunity to jump online and hear what/ is happening!



See you at the Colour Explosion! 


Parents & Friends Committee