Teaching and Learning

Karen Whelan, Deputy Principal - Staff, Teaching and Learning

At Shelford teachers review student data to help them make decisions about the best ways to approach the teaching and learning of new skills and knowledge within their classrooms. Teachers reflect on the success of that approach through the use of self-reflection, as well as student feedback. This approach provides our teachers with the opportunity to adapt their pedagogy to the needs of their classroom.  


To complement the work of our teachers, students and families can also do a lot themselves. Andrew Fuller has developed some great free resources to help students ‘kick start’ their thinking.  In his article titled ‘Learning Strengths and Rewiring’ Andrew talks about how success as a learner involves working out what we are good at and doing more of it, as well as determining what it is we are not so proficient at and learning to do less of it. As learners it is important for us to reflect regularly on the processes we are using to determine if they are beneficial to us or not. A good question to ask is ‘Are my actions helping or hindering my development as a learner?’ We encourage conversation at home and school around the importance of self-reflection and how this might empower students along their journey to become independent learners. If you would like to learn more from Andrew Fuller please click here to access his many resources. 

Upcoming Teaching & Learning Dates 

Event Date 
NAPLAN Beginning Weds 15 March  
Parent Teacher Conferences March 30, April 5
Year 9 City Challenge Mon 3 April – Thurs 6 April 
Year 9 Arts Alive Challenge 

Fri May 19  

Wed May 24  

Karen Whelan

Deputy Principal - Staff, Teaching and Learning/Psychology