Inside the Classroom


Class 19 have been exploring the history of Orange, visiting many places like Cook Park, Robertson Park and Wentworth Mine at Lucknow. Whilst at Cook Park they were lucky enough to meet Mrs Marge Bastick who was born in Bastick Cottage. Bastick Cottage now houses The Guildry, home of the finest hand-crafted and homemade goodies.

The girls also enjoyed watching the James Sheahan Catholic High School musical; production of  "We Will Rock You" at the Orange Civic Theatre last week. Everyone was amazed at the talent shown by the students and commented on what a great experience it was.

Class 21 have been super-focused on Mathematics in the last few weeks as well as enjoying Agriculture with Mr Gell. 


Cooking remains a favourite activity and recently they have served up nachos, chocolate brownies and tuna mornay - not all at once though!! The boys are learning valuable skills, in particular,  working together as team.


Physical activity continues to be a focus on the Campus. We have enjoyed increasing our fitness with Terri every Wednesday, learning the finer points of Pickle Ball with PCYC staff and Arky has been working on his passing, running and kicking skills wIth Mr Rasmussen


Classes celebrated Harmony Day in a number of ways; Class 21 learned how to greet people in different languages as well as making fortune cookies - both out of paper and the edible type! Class 19 made some delicious sushi and modelled traditional Japanese kimonos and Class 18 created some gorgeous Japanese art 


Primary classes have been busy experiencing a range of learning experiences within their classrooms. There are activities happening each day and some whole school events as well. 

Students have been enjoying participating in Ten Pin and Swimming for sport. 

This week classes have celebrated Harmony Week by learning about different cultures around the world. Each class has made a traditional headdress from a different country.

The Mini Woolies has been great fun and is also a wonderful learning experience for our students. Class 13 visited the Woolies this week and purchased a range of products. The Stage 6 students were a great help to the younger students. Class 13 also enjoyed going on their class outing last week. 

Class 12 have been learning about road safety and have practiced walking across the road at the traffic lights as they visit Anson Farm.


Kari Priest

Assistant Principal


Stage 4

Stage 4 are learning about Digital Technologies in Technology Mandatory lessons this term. Class 14 have chosen a natural site in the local area and created their own website about it, including a variety of tabs and links. Classes 15 and 16 have learnt to use the features of Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation about themselves. 


Class 14 had an absolute ball taking turns as checkout cashiers and customers in our new mini-Woolies store. They practiced so many valuable skills in the process and can't wait to go back!

Class 15 have investigated using Elkonin boxes for hearing and counting out the sounds in words this week. They have used counters, whiteboards, and markers as they master their new words. Each morning to get us ready for learning we participate in stretching and ‘Move it’ routines. Students have had the opportunity to walk, ride bikes and ezy-rollers, bounce on the trampoline and visit the engine room and gym throughout the week. It is very important that children and young people engage in physical activity. Physical activity not only has physical benefits, but also benefits for mental health and wellbeing. We have visited the Skills House and Retreat for learning valuable life skills, relaxing with foot spas and having our hair done by Miss Krissie.  Students made a bed, folded washing and organized folders for recording their activities and progress. 

Class 16

In class 16 we have been learning to use the phonemes we have learned to independently write words. Jamie has been visiting class 16 and she has been helping us with mindfulness, caring & self-regulation. We have enjoyed playing ball games & having cuddles with Jamie.

Cassie Lloyd

Assistant Principal

Stage 5

Stage 5 are continuing to explore our local history, and in the last few weeks have visited Wentworth Main Mine, Borenore Caves and Spring Hill village. It has been so interesting to re-discover and appreciate the history behind all the places on our doorstep.

Class 22 has taken a ‘waste not, want not’ approach to cooking this term. We have purchased some of the less fabulous-looking vegetables from our mini-Woolies and turned them into some delicious meals and treats. The students peeled and chopped over 5kgs of potatoes and 7kgs of carrots to make vegetable pie, potato bake and carrot cake. 

Did you know 25% of farmers' crops don’t leave the farm, simply because they don’t look ‘perfect’?? Crazy!

For our Harmony Week celebrations, Ivy and Indi visited some of the junior classes to read the book ‘We are Together’ by Britta Tekentrup. What fantastic role models!

Elke Cunial

Assistant principal

Stage 6

The stage 6 life skills technology group enjoyed making Italian pizza during Harmony week. We discussed foods from different cultures and how we're grateful to live in a multicultural country that embraces all cultures (and their delicious cuisines). Group 2 made yummy muffins by stirring, mixing and folding ingredients with staff support. 


Students in stage 6 have enjoyed practicing their shopping, money and customer service skills while accessing the skills house and the new mini-Wool. Our school leaders were invited to the official opening to cut the ribbon and manage the tills to serve our special guests. 

Jess Hodder

Assistant Principal