Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

The PBL team meet each fortnight to analyse behaviour data and set a focus expectation for students to improve. We currently have 2 areas of focus:

Be a mate and shut the gate

Students are taking responsibility to make sure the gate on the playground is shut to keep everyone safe during play. If the gate is left open some students may wander into unsupervised areas. To look out for your mates, make sure you shut the gate!

Be a buddy, not a bully

Students are encouraged to be kind and compassionate to others through their words and actions. We aim to have a safe and supportive environment where everyone is accepted and can learn and grow. Bullying is never okay, cool or acceptable. We encourage our students to stand up and step in when someone is being unkind or unfair to others.


PBL Stars:



Congratulations to these students who have been recognised as responsible, safe and respectful in all school environments. Well done!


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator

Deputy Principal


Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PWL)

All classes across the school have worked hard this term to learn the importance of showing and doing kind acts in all aspects of our lives. To celebrate all the small and large acts of kindness shown this term we will be celebrating together as a whole school with a colour run on Friday 31st of March. This will be an opportunity to also join and celebrate with staff and students who have made the extremely kind decision to shave or colour their hair to raise money for cancer research. Following the great shave, we will be enjoying the fun of the colour run around the back oval.

Keep an eye out for these awards coming home in the last two weeks acknowledging acts of kindness!


Jenny Rosser

PWL Coordinator

Deputy Principal