Anson in Review

Mini-Woolies Grand Opening

We are fortunate to have our very own mini-Woolies as a part of the Skills House. This is a training centre and apart from the money, everything is real! Sarah Corey, General Manager and Sheila O’Reilly from Woolworths Group, Pip Byrnes Group Marketing Manager of Fujitsu Australia, Andrew Gee MP, relieving Director of Education Stephen Bingon and other special guests attended the opening of Anson Fresh Food. Our School Leaders thanked people key to this occurring, our School Choir sang, and some students worked the registers before a morning tea was enjoyed by all. We are so excited for this opportunity for our students!

Jodie Pritchard

Deputy Principal

Pulse Alive

A huge congratulations and thank you to our Anson Street School Pulse Alive team for their contribution to the success of the 2023 event. With over 4500 students involved, performing to a combined audience of almost 9000 over two nights, Pulse Alive goes from strength to strength and our Senior Choir were delighted to take part in the event for the first time this year. Six of our senior students travelled to Sydney for 3 days and thoroughly enjoyed their time away. We explored a little bit of Sydney, worked tirelessly at jam packed rehearsals culminating in the absolute thrill and excitement of performing in front of a large crowd at the Ken Rosewall arena in Homebush with the Combined Schools Signing Choir. 


The students were an absolute joy to take away. They demonstrated kindness toward one another and built positive connections with staff and students from other schools. The number of teachers who came up to me during the rehearsals and shows telling me how amazing, kind, confident and lovely our students were is a real credit to them. The group had Mr Corby, Mrs Riley and me in fits of laughter throughout the entire trip with their humorous conversations, quick-witted comments and positive interactions with one another. The students also helped with the shopping, food preparation, cleaning up in the apartment and carrying luggage (after I accidentally took us to the wrong hotel!). Being involved in an event such as this has made lifelong memories for all involved, and it has been such a beautiful way for the choir to kick off the school year. We can’t wait for our next opportunity to be up on the stage performing! 


Cassie Lloyd

Stage 4 Leader and Choir Conductor



Last week 17 students from grade 5, 7 and 9 completed their NAPLAN tests in the new Multipurpose Centre on the Campus. They were tested in Writing, Reading, Numeracy and Conventions of Language. All students tried their very best and demonstrated focus and resilience to work through some difficult questions. Staff were very proud of their efforts, and they were rewarded with some sneaky Freddo Frogs for their efforts.


Jenny Rosser 

Deputy Principal


Harmony Day

Harmony Day is celebrated on the 21st March annually, the ongoing theme is 'Everyone Belongs'. This year each stage did activities in class to celebrate the diversity in our school. As a little snapshot, see below for some highlights from the day/week:

Primary - created some hats from different cultures and made some delicious Italian food. 

Stage 4 - created delicious dishes from different countries and held a morning tea with families.

Stage 5 - volunteers read a multicultural book from the library to different classes throughout the week.

Stage 6 - each class in stage 6 chose a country to study and shared their knowledge with the other classes. This included country location, population, currency, language, arts, music, and sports. Next Friday each class will cook a meal from their country of choice to share at the stage 6 lunch.

Campus - each class chose a country and learned their arts and crafts.


Staff also wore orange to acknowledge the day.



Jodie Pritchard 

Deputy Principal


World Down Syndrome Day

Students wore odd and crazy socks on Tuesday 21st March to support World Down Syndrome Day. The theme 'WITH US, NOT FOR US' was embraced by all. The idea behind the #lotsofsocks initiative is acceptance of all our differences, and what makes us unique as individuals. Socks come in all shapes, sizes and designs, just like each of us.



Jodie Pritchard

Deputy Principal