Duke of Edinburgh Award  

Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh Award for 2020 is well underway. We have approximately 65 students participating. They have already had their initial meeting to find out about the “Asssessors” they need to find who will “assess” their various skills undertaken throughout the program including skills, physical recreation and community service.

Each “Assessor” must have a current Working with Children Check (WWCC).


On  Wednesday 19 Feburary, the students participated in a cooking class on the 'trangia stoves' where they learnt how to construct the stove and boil water. These basic skills will enable them to cook a meal whilst on their first practice hike at Phillip Island in March.


For those who have participated in the Duke of Edinburgh Program over the last three years (current Year 10, 11 and  12 students) we encourage you to finish logging your hours and try to complete your Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.


If you need some assistance please see Mrs Clark or Mrs Wood in the PE Office.


Maree Clark and  Joanne Wood

Duke of Edinburgh Coordinators