In the Spotlight: Lockdown 6.0

Artwork by Stella Nicolopoulos, Year 9, University Campus

Lights, Camera, Lockdown!

By Tasharny De Cata, Year 7, Plenty Campus


As I sit here within the four walls of my house, a sight I am very familiar with due to COVID, I contemplate what I am going to do to keep myself sane during this lockdown. I am sure this is something we all are struggling with right now!


In the past I have enjoyed cooking mostly sweet foods like cakes and biscuits, but I’ve found that my family have enjoyed some of my savoury dishes a little more, especially my fried rice. Alongside this, puzzles are a favourite pastime of mine, I seem to be doing a puzzle, sometimes two, every lockdown. I really enjoy challenging myself, sometimes I pick a puzzle that has only one or two colours, just to give my brain a little bit of a workout! 


What I have found that has really benefited my mental wellbeing is talking and connecting with my friends, it could be by FaceTime where we play a game together, or even Snapchat. I often wonder how we would have coped if we didn’t have technology. I have really enjoyed getting out and taking my dog for a walk especially when the sun is shining. In times like these, it is important to focus on the little things, the things that we can easily forget but truly do bring so much joy to our lives. 


For example, I am grateful for the time I am spending with my family playing board games, laughing, and having fun. Those little things are what will get us through this lockdown.


The biggest thing I miss while being in lockdown is being at school and seeing all my friends, face-to-face. We all took for granted how special it is to be able to sit together and have a chat. While online schooling is not ideal, we are fortunate to still be able to connect with our peers and teachers. It brings a sense of routine in this ever-changing world.


Ivanhoe teaches us resilience and strength, and I think this is especially important in this lockdown. I know it may be difficult at times but as long as we stay strong and stick together, showing love and kindness to all around us, we can get through anything. 

By Elizabeth Tan, Year 7, The Ridgeway Campus
By Elizabeth Tan, Year 7, The Ridgeway Campus

Lockdown in the Primary School...

By Jaynaya Fantone, Year 5, Plenty Campus


There are lots of bad things that happen in lockdown, but they're also lots of good things!


In lockdown, you get to have lots of time with your family and your pets.  Your pets really enjoy the extra cuddles on the couch! My family really enjoys all the walks we go on together and all the extra family time!


You have lots more time to exercise during lockdown. I go on lots of walks, bike rides, rollerblades, runs and sometimes I practice some basketball!  I have also practised a bit of soccer with my brother during lockdown.


You can also learn lots of new skills and find lots of new hobbies!  In the first lockdown I started knitting.  I had always wanted to learn how to knit, so I really enjoyed it!  During lockdown I have also been reading a lot more than I usually do.


Overall, you have more me-time!  In lockdown you can do mindfulness, you can read, you can draw, you can write, you can dance, you can play video games and you can listen to music! Not to mention, you can do much more!


Sometimes, you might feel a bit sad and miserable when you are in lockdown, but there are heaps of good things about it to keep us positive.


By Zoe Pfisterer, Year 4, The Ridgeway Campus
By Zoe Pfisterer, Year 4, The Ridgeway Campus
By Louis Inifer, Year 4, The Ridgeway Campus
By Louis Inifer, Year 4, The Ridgeway Campus
By George Glifford, Year 4, The Ridgeway Campus
By George Glifford, Year 4, The Ridgeway Campus
By Maxwell Kostadinoski, Year 2, Buckley House
By Aya Mohammed, Year 2, Buckley House
By Sanoak Thenuwara, Year 2, Buckley House
By Saara Gupta, Year 2, Buckley House
By Rose Wright, Year 2, Buckley House
By Maxwell Kostadinoski, Year 2, Buckley House
By Aya Mohammed, Year 2, Buckley House
By Sanoak Thenuwara, Year 2, Buckley House
By Saara Gupta, Year 2, Buckley House
By Rose Wright, Year 2, Buckley House