Year 1/2 News

Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds
Last week we enjoyed Book Week celebrations. On Tuesday morning we were lucky enough to have Michael Salmon join a Prep-Year 2 zoom. Michael has been an author and illustrator for many years and has published lots of children's books. We all drew a picture of Michael's dog, Bobo and then a picture of Michael. Check out some of our drawings below.
Here are some reflections from the students about Michael Salmon's special visit:
- My favourite part was when he drew his cartoons and when we drew along with him. Xavier Moussa
- My favourite part was when we did some drawings and when Bobo rode the skateboard. 🐶🐶 Alexandra Le
- I liked when Michael drew the cartoon and when he showed us the dog. I was excited and thought he was cool. Dominic Efe
On Thursday, we dressed up as our favourite book character. There were a few Harry Potter characters, Pig the Pug, fairytale princesses and many more. It was so much fun to be someone else for a day!
We all shared our favourite books on Friday. Wolf Girl was very popular, along with Diary of a Wimpy Kid and some of Anh Do's chapter books.
Week 9 & 10 Learning Intentions
Important Dates
Friday 3rd September - Whole School Assembly
Sunday 5th September - Father's Day
(Please check the Year 1/2 Google Classroom stream for information regarding the Father's Day Celebrations for Friday morning.)
Staff Contacts
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Bella Sullivan-Barry
Paige Frazer
Phoebe Tune
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm