
Season of Spring-'Caring for Nature'

With the season of Spring, fast approaching let us turn our thoughts to this beautiful land. As human beings, we play a special role in taking care of the land, maintain order and treat it in a just and fair manner. We need to ensure resources and goods from the earth are shared equally amongst all people. As stewards of creation, there is interconnectedness and interdependence to “mother” nature, and it is important for humans to build and protect our common home. In turning to Pope Francis' encyclical letter in 2015- Laudato Si Praise be to you, my Lord, let us reflect and come to understand as Christians what motivates us “to care for nature” (LS no 64). Laudato Si’ in 2021 is a time to reflect on what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us and prepare for the future with hope. We ask that during your walks and exercise you take the time to enjoy God's creation and attend to it as God intended. 

Scripture reference: Proverbs 3:God’s Wisdom in Creation
19 The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens; 20 by his knowledge the deeps broke open, and the clouds drop down the dew.


Assembly Friday 3rd September @ 1 pm

Zoom Link:    Meeting ID: 833 1234 0932