Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -

Foundation - Throwing 

In the last couple of weeks the Foundation students have been introduced to the fundamental act of throwing. Obviously, in an ideal situation such a central aspect of Physical Education would be taught onsite. Given the circumstances please spend a little bit of time, even if it is on the weekend, going through the basic steps of throwing with your child. It has been really heartening to see the photos uploaded and the students engaging in the activities. Keep up the great work!


Year 1/2 - Throwing

The 1/2s have spent the last few weeks continuing on with learning the fundamentals of throwing, which commenced at the start of the term onsite. These online lessons have been a combination of revising the fundamentals involved in the act of throwing and activities which are fun and engaging. Hopefully the students are enjoying these activities whilst improving their throwing technique at the same time.


Year 3 - 6 Basketball

For the first few weeks of Online Learning the Year 3 - 6 students have continued on with learning different aspects of basketball. This has been a continuation of the unit that had been started onsite at the start of the term. It has been really encouraging to see the students sending in photos of themselves enjoying the activities at home. Furthermore the creativity and resourcefulness of the students to find different items around their house to complete the activities has been really impressive.