Year 5/6 News
Celebrating Book Week
Despite Home Online Learning, students in Year 5/6 enthusiastically engaged in this year's Book Week. They created stories, fostered a love of literature and inspired each other to read wonderful books! They were inspired by Michael Salmon to continue to persist (and creatively develop drawings!) and even recorded themselves reading texts for younger students (and their buddies to enjoy!)
Have a look at some of the engaging things they got up to last week!
Problem Based Learning (PBL)
Over the past fortnight, students have continued to identify their special skills and talents. They have explored features of business plans and have developed an understanding of how people apply for positions within businesses. Students spent the week capturing their skills by creating their own Curriculum Vitae (CV) which will be used over the coming weeks to apply for positions within our student-created businesses.
Over the coming week, students will be creating a business 'pitch' (taking inspiration from the television show, Shark Tank), to 'pitch' their idea to a panel. Three lucky businesses will be selected for the year level to explore and develop further over the rest of the year.
We encourage you to have a conversation with your child about the importance of adopting a 'growth mindset' approach as not all businesses will be selected - though all students will be engaged in one of the three businesses chosen.
Mathematics - Angles
Students have explored different types of angles in Maths. They have analysed and created artwork with angles and acted like Architect's to design their own Mini-Golf course which included lots of different angles. It was great to see the enthusiasm students adopted towards these.
We will continue to post important announcements via Skoolbag and Google Classrooms. We encourage you to regularly monitor these to ensure you remain abreast of current information and that your child has the required items for clinics. This week's announcements included order forms for 2022 Year 6 jumpers, and equipment needed for Maths clinics this week.
We also encourage you to continue to support your child in maintaining a daily or weekly timetable to ensure they attend the required clinics.
Please reach out to your child's Homeroom Teacher if you need further support.
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday 3rd September - Whole School Assembly
Sunday 5th - Father's Day
Friday 17th - End of Term 3
Friday 24th - Public Holiday- AFL Grand Final
Online Timetables
We will continue to upload our daily timetables each day at 8am. Our weekly timetables with students' allocated clinics will be uploaded at the start of each week.
Week 9 & 10 Learning Intentions
Open the attachment to find out what students in Year 5/6 will be exploring over the next fortnight.
Staff Contacts
Emily Jamieson -
Maxwell Allan -
Matt Vernal -
Emma Sbizzirri -
*We kindly ask that all emails for 5/6SV include both Emma and Matt.
Shane Giese -
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.