Prayer/ Reflection 

A Prayer During COVID-19

May we, who are experiencing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia and in our small world, and are coming to terms with the new reality, remember the words of Scripture: “Be still and know that I God”.

May we, who as adults struggling to process what is happening in our world, remember children who are fearful of a reality they cannot comprehend

May we, who complain about the scarcity of commodities, remember those who are working to maintain the supply chain.

May we, who observe the long queues of those seeking support, remember those for whom there is no government assistance or financial aid.

May we, who work to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity, remember those living and working in vulnerable communities.

May we, who are working from home, remember those who have no employment or home from which to work.

May we, who have access to medical facilities and services, remember those do not have basic health care.

May we, who are beginning to experience border closures, remember refugees who cannot return home.

May we give thanks for those who are working to help or bring some kindness, joy or humour to others, showing us that the light of  Christ shines.

During this time of isolation, as we close our doors, may we continue to keep our hearts open to our families, friends, local and global communities.

We asked this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
