Mount Erin Check - In 

From the Supervisors

The Boarding staff have been busy planning for the return of the Boarders. They have also been "Checking-in" with their boarders to see how things are going, what has been happening and sharing their lock down experiences. Below are some anecdotes and images from our Boarders across the region. We would welcome some more images from home for the next Boarders' Buzz

Junior Boys

Hi to all Junior boys and their families. Hope everyone is managing ok with the lockdown. I’ve received some lovely messages and photos of you and your pets. It’s so good to see you helping out around the house and on the farm. I live alone but Zeppie dog and Kevin dog are keeping me company. Take care everyone, we will be back together before long.




Senior Girls

The word lockdown has become a predictive text word on everyone's phone now and so it was predictable that at some point the Riverina and Snowy Valleys areas would join .

To lighten the mood in week 5 the senior girls had a lockdown competition to see who could predict if there would be a lockdown and if so when- date and time.

Who knew it would happen almost immediately that weekend? Ellah O'Callaghan was spot on in her prediction of date and time. Sadly not like winning the Lotto, but once we are all back in the boarding house a suitable prize will be presented. Competition number 2 is now on, with date and time for our return to school and boarding.

The uncertainty is being felt particularly for the year 12 students - trials, no trials, predicted scores etc. Year 10 girls have mainly coped with the online work, but while being at home is great, it is not like being on holidays and very soon connection with friends only via digital presence will lose it’s fun.

When contact was made with the girls via email one response to how the digital learning was going was “ Thanks so much Robin. Can't say I did online learning today, whoops. Will start tomorrow ;)


Last week as the rumours of a lockdown were spreading, the Senior Girls involved themselves in a mini competition predicting when the a lockdown might come in force:

And the winner is: Ellah
And the winner is: Ellah
Teddy working from home
Tiger contemplating working from home
Teddy working from home
Tiger contemplating working from home

Robin Bussenschutt I Senior Girls Supervisor

Junior Girls

Before lockdown the junior girls enjoyed some time with Zeppy and Ted (Naomi and Robin’s dogs), learning tik tok dances (much to their downstairs roommates disapproval) and had settled in for the term very well.


Before lockdown the junior girls enjoyed some time with Zeppy and Ted (Naomi and Robin’s dogs), learning tik tok dances (much to their downstairs roommates disapproval) and had settled in for the term very well.



Thankfully a lot of the girls have been keeping in contact since lockdown began and they’ve all been up to lots of interesting things:


Jacinta has been baking up a storm with caramel slice, choc chip cookies, coconut slice and many other delicious things, Niane has been keeping up her fitness level with strenuous daily workouts and Lucy P had a major triumph - finishing the entire rest of the Outer Banks series in a single day.


Most of the girls have been enjoying some extra time with their families and finding school from home quite easy so far. 


I haven’t been sent many pictures yet but Evie did send in some pictures of her gorgeous cats! Pickles (Grey), Eddie (Ginger), Pepper (Black) Salty (White and grey)

Lara Plum I  Junior Girls Supervisor

From Activities

Hi everyone, hoping you are all safe in these crazy times but most of all I hope you are being active in your spare time after all of your online learning, this could be helping around the house with cleaning/cooking or helping in the yard mowing the lawn or taking out the rubbish, you could even take your pet for a walk. But most of all enjoy your time with family and stay safe.

Jody Siegwalt (Siggy) |Activities Officer



Enjoying the lockdown with Gus.

Wayne and Gus
Wayne and Gus

Hope everybody stays safe and well and we can get back to a normal life soon.

Friday Morning August 20 - Tumut
Friday Morning August 20 - Tumut


Wayne Galvin | Senior Boys Supervisor