From the Leader

of Boarding 

Dear Mount Erin Boarding Parents/Carers and Community,


I hope this special edition of Boarders' Buzz finds you all well and in good spirits despite the current situation. The rapid nature of the lockdown has left many unprepared and unsure of what is to come. We are all in this together however and there is much support in the community and from the Colleges including Mount Erin. Hopefully the regional lockdown will be relatively short lived and we can return to some  semblance of normality.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC


The Boarding staff have met twice this week via Zoom. I have asked the Supervisors to adopt our 2020 Covid-19 Check-in programme in which they make contact with their Boarding Focus Group via email to chat and share what is currently happening around them. Teachers likewise are conducting the remote learning programmes which have been enhanced from last year. We realise there are families that have connectivity issues which are being addressed by the IT Departments in each College. Young people especially do not like change. Fom the Boarding perspective, if we can maintain the connection with people the Boarders share their normal school week with, it can help to minimise the effect of this change to routine. 


Mount Erin's Online Tutoring programme continues for all students. The A Team links have been shared with you previously but I have also placed them in this edition of Boarders' Buzz. I spoke with Hannah of A-Team Tutoring on Monday who assures me they are fully prepared to assist any Mount Erin Boarder - they just need to log in using the link address shown. If families have ongoing issues with connecting online because if WiFi problems we can look at an email system with A-Team. There has been indifference to our online turtoring programme by some students - I would encourage parents to discuss with their son/daughter and encourage them to utilize this resource. It would be best to maintain the 7pm start to night time study as this is when the A Team tutors are online.

Mt Erin Links



Group 1


Carol Naidu

All Maths, English, and Science.

Carol Naidu

All Maths, English. and Science.

Carol Naidu

All Maths, English. and Science.

Carol Naidu

All Maths, English. and Science.


Group 2


Louise Quire

Mathematics (General and Methods), Biology, Chemistry, Science, English, and History.

Isabel Hewes

Mathematics (General and Methods), Biology, Chemistry, Science, English, and History.

Louise Quire

Mathematics (General and Methods), Biology, Chemistry, Science, English, and History.

Isabel Hewes

Mathematics (General and Methods), Biology, Chemistry, Science, English, and History.


Group 1


Connor Auld

English, History, Geography, Drama, Sociology, Legal Studies, and any other Humanities/

Languages Style Subjects.

Connor Auld

English, History, Geography, Drama, Sociology, Legal Studies, and any other Humanities/

Languages Style Subjects.

Connor Auld

English, History, Geography, Drama, Sociology, Legal Studies, and any other Humanities/

Languages Style Subjects.

Nicholas Moraitakis

Mathematics (General Methods and Specialists), Biology, English, and Drama.


Group 2


Nicholas Moraitakis

Mathematics (General Methods and Specialists), Biology, English, and Drama.

Louise Quire

Mathematics (General and Methods), Biology, Chemistry, Science, English, and History.

Evey Buckton

English, English Extension, all Maths (Has completed a maths degree), Business, Environmental Studies, Biology and Graphics.

Evey Buckton

English, English Extension, all Maths (Has completed a maths degree), Business, Environmental Studies, Biology and Graphics.
Junior Group 1:
Junior Group 2:
Senior Group 1:
Senior Group 2:

Updated Boarding Staff Contacts


Grade 7, 8, 9 Girls Supervisor:                               Grade 7, 8, 9 Boys Supervisor:

Lara Plum  0429 179 799                                        Naomi Barton  0455 521 016  


Grade 10, 11, 12 Girls Supervisor:                    Grade 10, 11, 12 Boys Supervisor:                 Robin Bussenschutt   0455 439 162                   Wayne Galvin     0455 436 603


During this period of closure, all of us need something to do to help us through this. Our Boarders normally have many around them and activity to be involved in. The Boarding staff have been discussing activities that can be done at home on a group basis and individual activities that students are involved in at home. Mr. Jody Siegwalt our Activities Officer will be in contact with the Boarders to share some of these activities. During the last closure in 2020, Boarders shared experiences and images with the whole boarding house which was appreciated by all.



Stay safe and well. Please feel free to contact me at any time:


                                                            Mobile: 0448 860 640



Mr John Bussenschutt | Leader of Boarding