Chaplain's Corner
Thank you for everyone who came to the Father's Day/ Significant Male Community Breakfast. It was great to see so many Dads, Grandads, parents, carers and other male role models enjoying a chat and a tasty breakfast.
Community is such an important part of well being and I want to thank all the Staff and the P & C for their involvement. It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of the morning.
Good luck to everyone for Friday's sports carnival. I will actually be away this time cheering on my own son in his sports carnival. I will miss you but also know that our kids are only young for such a short time so I love cheering my boys on in person.
I take this opportunity to wish everyone well for Father's Day this Sunday. I am aware this can be a challenging time for some people for many reasons and I acknowledge all the community who put so much into their children and families each and everyday.
Please find attached some valuable links to resources:
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Monday and Friday