Welcome to
The M Chat Issue 10
Messages from the Front Office
Welcome to
The M Chat Issue 10
Messages from the Front Office
We congratulate those students featured below who were awarded Successful Student Awards at our assemblies on Friday 6 August and Friday 27 August. They look very pleased with their efforts, as they should be.
A reminder to all students and parents that the cross walk on Giralt Road is attended 8am -9am and 2.45pm - 3.45pm. If you are crossing outside of these times please exercise caution and parents please, where possible, cross with your children.
To allow us to commence planning for 2022, if you know that your child will not be returning to Marangaroo PS in 2022, can you please notify the front office staff as soon as possible.
All current Kindergarten students must enrol for Pre-primary. Enrolment forms were distributed to current Kindy students last term. If you have not received an enrolment pack please collect one from your child's Kindy class or the front office. Please return them to the office as soon as possible. If you are not returning to MPS next year, can you please notify the front office. We kindly request that you return the completed packs as soon as possible.
Marangaroo PS are continuing to accept enrolments for 2022 kindergarten students. If your child was born between 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 then they are eligible to commence kindy in 2022. The application package can be collected from the front office or downloaded from our school website.
All applications and supporting documentation should be emailed to Marangaroo.PS@education.wa.edu.au or brought directly to the front office. Please ensure that you refer to the checklists and provide all mandatory documentation. Applications for enrolment can not be accepted if the required documentation is not provided or if enrolment forms are incomplete or unsigned.
If you know of someone that isn't receiving the M Chat School Newsletter or direct email communications from the front office, please ask them to make sure that their email address is up to date with the front office.
Class teachers use Dojo on a daily basis to communicate with parents regarding happenings in the class, Caring C rewards and any daily updates. Please ensure that you have downloaded the Dojo App and speak to your child's teacher to receive an invitation to their classroom.