Student News

Senior C Newsletter Item Term 3

This term I am most proud of the following work:


Evelyn - Information Report 

Abigail - Information Report

Max - Snapshot Writing

Finn - Writing 

One day my pa fell out of his bed at home and that put him in hospital. 

He became sicker and sicker, as the days, weeks, months went by. I am going to tell you the story of my pa in hospital.

He became sick at the start of the school holidays. I had to be in the hospital every day during the holidays. My pa was the most important person in my life, he would do anything for me and to hear that he went into the hospital it broke my heart.


Chloe - Information Reports

Hayley - Literature Circle Reading Project

Conor Pixel Art

Andrew - Inquiry

Gavin Pixel Art

Ethan - Writing

I think that the ocean is like outer space, it is unpredictable yet extraordinary. 

Being in the ocean can take you away from anything that is worrying you because you submerge yourself into what one could call another system or universe.

I like to imagine myself being a dolphin or a sea turtle, free - roaming the ocean for kilometers on end. I strongly believe that even though sharks can be scary, they are still one of the most fascinating marine life known to man. 

The ocean can have a strong connection with some people. I know I have one because for me, it is like my safe spot. 

Swimming gets me a little scared at the start but then I gradually grow in confidence because I become more alert to my surroundings. I begin to start noticing more about the ocean, and what lies beneath. 

I like that my mind can be transported to a different place whilst I’m in the ocean's waters and that the mysterious and ever evolving animals are endless.

“The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too”. 

This is a quote by Vincent Van Gogh. I like this quote because it is very true and I can relate to it. 


Ruairi - Snapshot writing

Ava - Insect Information Report

Eva - Literature Circle Project  - Advertisement

Aidan - Information Report Basketball

Oliver  - Writing: Show Don’t Tell

Ben - Writing: Show Don’t Tell


Dante - Writing: Show Don’t Tell

Samuel - Writing: Show Don’t Tell