Class News 


In Prep we have been working on our fine and gross motor skills which help us when sitting, walking and running as well as grasping pencils, using scissors and manipulating objects. Each week on a Monday and Thursday, we do PMP where we build our strength by crawling over different surfaces, jumping in hoops, practising throwing and catching, pulling ourselves on scooter boards and balancing on stepping stones. This program is run by Ashley, our school Occupational Therapist, and it is a fun and engaging way for all students to build their fundamental movement skills.

Within the classroom, we have begun to introduce Literacy and Numeracy tasks whilst also working on motor skills. We have used Playdoh to form letters and numbers, traced different shaped lines to work on pencil control, used a hole punch to build grip strength, drawn letters in sand, made beaded necklaces to develop hand-eye coordination, worked on our cutting skills by giving characters a funny hair cut, used manipulatives in Maths to practise counting and used chalk to write numbers.

Last week we had our first session with our Year 6 buddies. We were so excited to spend time with them and it was fantastic to see all students interacting and completing activities together.

Bridie Slater and Sharon Broeren

Prep Teachers


Year 5/6 Camp CYC Phillip Island


Day 1

CAMP! Camp was amazing! 

We were so super excited that

We were going crazy on the bus. 

It was a 2 and a half hour bus ride. We stopped at a playground and then we stopped at San Remo beach. 

We saw pelicans and stingrays. 

When we got to the campsite we unloaded the bus with our luggage and did our first activity. 

After our first activity we had our afternoon tea, which was a cookie and a piece of fruit. 

After our afternoon tea we all sat down on the green grass and found our cabins there and there were 8 lodges.  After we got settled in we got free time.  Lots of us went down to the pool and had a nice swim.  It was loads of fun and we all enjoyed it. Then we had dinner which was chicken schnitzel, vegetables and chips. It was so good. Then we had a campfire and toasted marshmallows on sticks we found. Finally we went for a night walk to the beach. We were all flashing and shining our torches everywhere. When we got back we went to our cabins and had a good night's rest ready for day 2



Day 2 of camp was for sure the best day 

We started off with surfing and boogie boarding in the early morning which definitely woke us all up! We put on thick heavy wetsuits and began talking about the technique of surfing and safety in the ocean, rips, waves etc.

Once we were home we quickly got changed and started rotating in our activity groups 

The activities were the flying fox, the peddle bikes, archery and our all time favourite the giant swing!

It was super fun!

For dinner we had spaghetti bolognese and got straight into the talent show.

You wouldn't believe some people's talents!

And finally we finished off with a movie - Horton Hears A Who!



Day 3

On the last day we immediately started packing to leave later on. We played 9 squares in the air while we waited for the bus. After breakfast the teachers had a number hunt all around the campus, after that the bus arrived to take us to school. We stopped at the Nobbies to walk on the boardwalk, then we continued the drive home. When we got to school all our parents were so happy that we were back.