Their Care- Out of School Hours Care Program

Communicating with our team

Offering before-school, after-school, and holiday care for our community

Service Mobile Number: 0473 222 771


Coordinator: Courtney  

Recently the children have been loving the craft activities, we have spent a lot of time decorating the room in Halloween decorations! the children found them fun and spooky which was amazing!

We created some scary bats, pumpkins and face masks. The children's favourite activity were the scary monster stressballs we made, after making them the children turned it into a competition to see who's stress ball was the scariest and it saw them continuously wiping the faces off and creating new ones.


We have also been enjoying some fun outside (when the weather permits us to) the children have been practicing there spinning skills on the playground and doing cool tricks on the bars, the boys especially have loved playing soccer with our new educator Harry on the basketball court.


This week we started on decorating the room in spring themed artwork by making some bees and hanging them up on the window and drawing some lovely bunches of flowers, and of course our christmas decorations. the children all worked together to decorate the christmas tree and started working on some craft for christmas too. 


They have all been so engaged and excited to join in all of these experiences and activities we have been creating.





From now on every Tuesday morning we will be having pancake Tuesday, please feel free to book your child in to enjoy the special treat and to even get a glimpse of what we do in the mornings and how much fun the children have!!