Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education)
What a busy few weeks we have had in the Health & Physical Education Curriculum!
Curriculum Update
It was fantastic to welcome our new Foundation Students into the P.E classroom. In the first two weeks, the students focused on moving their body through different motions. This was achieved through small game play and a mini Yoga session. Some of the specific movements that were focused on were Skipping, Hopping, Acceleration and Deceleration.
Moving forward, the students will continue to learn how to move their bodies through different scenarios to enable them to grow in confidence. We will also look at the underarm throw technique "Tik, Tok, Step and Rock".
As part of the Health Component this Term, students will learn about the basic parts of the human body and understand how to label them with teacher guidance.
Year One/Two:
It was fantastic to see how well our Level 1 and 2 students transitioned back into the P.E classroom. To begin the year, we looked at what Respect, Responsibility and Resilience looks, sounds and feels like in the P.E classroom. We quickly applied these to our lessons.
The Level 1 and 2 students focused their first week on a movement lesson. This involved some strategic play as we incorporated the games Tic, Tac Toe and Rob the Nest to our lesson. Students worked together to position and steal objects from the other teams to work towards winning each round.
For the next two week we had coaches from AFL Victoria come out to deliver an Auskick style program. The purpose of this program was to expose and teach students the fundamentals of AFL which ties in with their Fundamental Motor Skills growth. The students focused on marking, kicking and handballing over the two weeks.
Moving forward we will look to develop and refine the students Fundamental Motor Skills and apply these to mini individual and small team games.
As part of the Health Component for Term One, Level 1 students will learn about the Aboriginal Flag, what it symbolises and famous Indigenous sport athletes.
As part of the Health Component for Term One, Level 2 students will develop an understanding of healthy food choices and look as a basic Food Pyramid.
Year Three/Four:
It was fantastic to welcome back our Level 3 and 4 students who transitioned back into the P.E classroom fantastically. To begin the year, we looked at what Respect, Responsibility and Resilience looks, sounds and feels like in the P.E classroom. We quickly applied these to our lessons.
In the first two weeks the students worked through both a fitness and skill testing lesson. The purpose of this was to allow the students to record their scores and set a goal to beat these later in term three. Some of the tests that were carried our were the Beep Test, wall sit, kicking distance, dribbling control and speed, vertical jump and strength (push-ups and sit-ups).
During our third week we commences the three-week Hockey Sporting Schools program. During this lesson the basic skills were taught to the students by an accredited coach from outside of our school. Moving forward the students will be asked to apply these skills to small-based games with the goal to reach a full match.
As part of the Health Component for Term One, the students will look at what constitutes physical activity and map out how much they complete during a given time.
Year Five/Six:
It was fantastic to welcome back our Level 5 and 6 students who transitioned back into the P.E classroom fantastically. To begin the year, we looked at what Respect, Responsibility and Resilience looks, sounds and feels like in the P.E classroom. We quickly applied these to our lessons.
In the first two weeks the students worked through both a fitness and skill testing lesson. The purpose of this was to allow the students to record their scores and set a goal to beat these later in term three. Some of the tests that were carried our were the Beep Test, wall sit, kicking distance, dribbling control and speed, vertical jump and strength (push-ups and sit-ups).
During our third week we commences the three-week Hockey Sporting Schools program. During this lesson the basic skills were taught to the students by an accredited coach from outside of our school. Moving forward the students will be asked to apply these skills to small-based games with the goal to reach a full match.
As part of the Health Component for Term One, the students will be provided with the opportunity to map out what a week in their lives looks like. The intention is for them to understand how to effectively manage their time and what they can do to improve balancing physical activity with other factors.
Swim Trials
On Friday 10th February 42 of our students competed at the Swim Trials event. Following this, students who placed in the top two for Backstroke, Breastroke and Butterfly or were the top four fastest freestylers progress through to the District Stage on Friday 24th February at Belgrave Outdoor Pool.
It was fantastic to see the talent on display throughout the entire day in conjunction with the positive team spirit. Each student should be proud of their efforts.
A big thank you to all the families who attended on the day and to those who performed a role. Without your support these events are not possible.
Upcoming Events
Level 3-6 District Swimming - Friday 24th February @ Belgrave Outdoor Pool
Level 3-6 School Athletics Carnival - Monday 27th February @ Knox Athletics Track
Level 3-6 Division Swimming - Friday 10th March @ Croydon Memorial Pool (Curriculum day)
Level 3-6 Swimming Lessons - Monday 20-24th March @ Knox Leisure Works