Important Dates and Notices

Dates & Timetables
Finance Office
Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday
8.00am - 4.00pm
8.00am - 11.00am
11.00am - 1.00pm (CLOSED)
1.00pm - 4.00pm
Uniform Shop
Sarah Smith & Sara Dawson
Telephone 9784 9080
12.30pm - 1.30pm
3.00pm - 4.00pm
10:00am - 12:00noon
During Term 3 the uniform shop will not be open Thursday evenings
Student Details Form
Frankston High School recently emailed a copy of Student/Family details to all Year 7-10 families.
If you haven’t yet notified us of any details that require updating, please contact the school either by calling 9783 7955 or emailing the changes to
General Office
Parent Student Teacher Years 7-12 Conferences:
Wednesday 6 September
Parent Student Teacher Years 7-12 Conferences are being held on Wednesday 6 September. There are no formal classes on this day except students studying a VCE Unit 4, subject who will need to attend Periods 1-5 as timetabled. There will be no Period 0 (8.10am-8.55am) on this day.
Further information will be in the following newsletter.
Thursday 17 August
Year 11 and 12 students
Immunisation for Meningococcal
Friday 8 September
Year 10 students
Immunisation for Meningococcal
Year 7 students
will receive their final immunisations
CANCELLED: Music Quiz Night
Due to unforeseen circumstances it has been necessary to cancel the Music Trivia Night Quiz on Friday 4 August.
International Student Program
The International Student program would like to welcome all our new students commencing this semester (The photograph is of the new Language Centre students). They come from a wide range of countries including China, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Egypt, Germany and Italy. We hope you all enjoy your Australian school experience with Frankston High School and make many local friends while staying at our school. Some of the students are here short term, but most of them will be studying here to complete their Year 12 studies.
If your family is interested in participating in this paid homestay arrangement, please contact Mrs Sharon Koning on 0419 258 945.
2018, Years 9-12 Tours
LIMITED PLACES for 2018, Years 9-12
Attend an information session and tour of the school to find out why students excel at Frankston High School.
Ph 03 9783 7955 or email
Online Resources
Are you aware of the great resources we have available for students across all year levels via the Resource Centre portal page? These include online study guides, resources, eBooks and tutoring services – all available anywhere, anytime!
What do the buttons do?
eResources – Access to World Book Encyclopedia Online, eNotes (English study guides and resources), Echo Online (Issues in Society database), Weblinks (an assisted search database), and Online Referencing Generator (do-it-yourself Harvard referencing). All available 24/7, from school or at home.
Smart Suite – our library catalogue – you can search our collection here!
VCE English resources – this page has digital study guides and links for all English, English Lit and EAL novels 1-4.
eBooks – over 1200 eBooks available for download to your computer, tablet or phone. Adult, Young Adult and Childrens fiction, modern and classics, all available at a click. Logon with your school username and password.
A+ Digital Library for the VCE – this button gives you access to the entire Nelson A+ Study guide series including unit notes and exam questions. There are two accounts – if you can’t get on with one, try the other.
Your Tutor – if you are a Frankston City Libraries member you can access Your Tutor for free. Operated by Monash University tutors Monday to Thursday 4-9pm, it provides tutoring across all subject areas via a live chat. Savvy VCE students in the past have even uploaded essays for tutors to critique. You can join up to FCL online and get access straight away.
Frankston High School Winter Concert:
Featuring the Debut Performance of the
Year 7 Training Concert Band
Date: Thursday 10 August
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: School Hall
Cabaret Night
More information to come soon.
FHS Chess Club
Mouth Guards
Parents and students are advised that Frankston High School recommends that students wear mouth guards for all contact sport at school, particularly when students are playing school and interschool sport in the following: football, soccer, hockey, lacrosse, martial arts, netball, basketball and baseball.
A mouth guard is an easy and cost effective way to reduce the risk of injury when playing sport. The Australian Dental Association has set out five good reasons why mouth guards should be worn when playing sport:
- Cushions teeth against impact
- Protects against jaw joint injuries
- Protects against soft tissue injuries
- Helps prevent neck and jaw injuries
- May help reduce a concussion
It is important to remind parents that the Department of Education and Training does NOT provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Student accident insurance may be taken out privately by parents for their own child/ren.
Have You Lost Your Glasses?
Please collect from General Office.
Community Events
Upcoming Environmental Events
Here are some great environmental events coming up that are being run by Frankston Council for members of the community:
- National Tree Day – community planting day is Sunday 30 July at the Seaford Wetlands.
- Myth Busting Solar and Batteries – Wednesday 23 August, 7:00pm in Frankston. Get independent facts and advice from an Alternative Technology Association expert.
- Declutter and Simplify Life – Tuesday 12 September, 7:00pm in Langwarrin. Learn simple ways to organise and declutter your life without costing the earth.
For more details Click HERE