Year Five 

Dear Year Five Families,

Can you believe we are half way through Term One already?! Time is flying! All of our students have settled in nicely to their new classroom environments and are representing their classroom values with pride and respect. This is a great indication for a fabulous year ahead! We are all very excited to showcase our learning and skills in NAPLAN next week. The Year Five students approach to NAPLAN has been spectacular, we know they are all going to do their absolute best throughout all four tests! 




In reading, we have continued working on comprehension strategies. This involves us looking at different texts and unpacking each text with different types of questions. This process enables our students to think deeper about the text, creating more meaning and understanding about what they are reading. Students have also been extending themselves, by reading their own just right books and formulating comprehension questions of their own. This backward planning enables students to not only understand their texts on a deeper level but understand the comprehension process and autonomy of their own learning. 





In writing, students have now further unpacked persuasive writing. We have focused on creating strong arguments which include detailed evidence and explanations to support them. We have continued to discuss quality over quantity. Focusing on making our writing amazing, using persuasive devices, strong, powerful words, paragraphs and good sentence structure, rather than rushing through and writing as much as possible at a basic level. Strong writing techniques are important at a Year Five level and will benefit students during NAPLAN.  



In Mathematics, we have had a focus on Measurement and Geometry. We have been focusing on the different strands such as measurement conversions, location, area and perimeter, measurement and time. 

Moving forward, we will be focusing on Statistics and Probability and breaking down the different strands within it during each lesson to explicitly teach these mathematics concepts in preparation for NAPLAN.




Our first inquiry unit is quickly coming to a close with students starting their presentations on a leader. Across the Year Five cohort, students have different leaders which they have been researching to determine their leadership qualities and attributes. Students have been practicing their research skills to answer their inquiry questions. Year Five teachers have been pleased with the students enthusiasm and focus on understanding their leaders' influences and choices which have assisted in determining their legacy. 


  • No Hat, No Play - students must bring hats to school to be allowed to play outside. If they do not have a hat, they are required to stay in the shaded area near the canteen.
  • If students have a MacBook, they must bring it to school fully charged every day.
  • The dates for NAPLAN in Year Five are: Writing – Wednesday 15th March. Reading – Thursday 16th March Language Conventions – Monday 20th March                                                   Numeracy – Tuesday 21st 1st March
  • Students with Macbooks MUST bring them to school FULLY CHARGED for NAPLAN.