Year Three

Dear Year Three families, 


The Year Three students have settled into our classroom routines and successfully completed ‘The First 20 Days’ program with their new teacher. The Year Three students engaged in a session with their split teacher and are familiar with those in their split class. It has been fantastic to see students enthusiasm and the Year Three teachers look forward to an amazing year. 



In Week 7, students will continue learning about Question, Answer and Relationship to build upon their comprehension. We will be focusing on ‘On My Own’ questions this week where students will use their prior knowledge to give their opinion on a variety of texts. 


The Year Three students have started Reader's Theatre where they practise reading and performing a script to their classmates. This provides students the opportunity to practice reading aloud, focusing on their expression and fluency. 


Students will continue exploring Persuasive Texts in preparation for our upcoming NAPLAN. Students will be working through the writing process to write a persuasive piece using the prompt, “Children should follow school rules.” 




Students have finished our unit on Time and are moving onto deepening their understanding of Data. Students will be exploring the ways we collate, represent and interpret data whilst continuing to practise for NAPLAN.



-Please ensure your child brings a wide, brimmed hat to school. These are required for Term One and Term Four. 

- iPads need to be bought to school each day as these are a vital tool used for learning in the classroom. Please make sure these are fully charged. 

-Classroom doors open at 8.20am for continuous entry to begin our lessons sharply at 8:30am. If your child arrives after 8.40am please ensure they collect a late pass from the office. 

- The dates for NAPLAN in Year Three are:

Writing: Wednesday 15th of March

Reading: Thursday 16th of March

Language Conventions: Friday 17th of March

Maths: Tuesday 21st of March