Sacred Heart College will again be participating in ICAS in 2023. The opportunity to participate is open to ALL students in Years 7-11. ICAS has gone through some changes in the last couple of years. ICAS is:
- Designed for recognising academic excellence for high potential students
- Online
- Emphasises challenge and extension
- An additional challenge for the most able students
- Delivering timely results with a waiting period of 4-6 days (4-6 weeks for Writing)
- A high stakes assessment
- An opportunity where all students receive a hard copy certificate of achievement with comparison to all who sat the test in Australia
- Allowing high potential students to be further challenged
ICAS provides teachers, parents/caregivers and students with comprehensive reporting of results in the areas of Digital Technology, English, Mathematics, Science and Writing.
The entry fee per student is as follows:
- Monday 7 August: Digital Technology (Years 7-10 ONLY) - $17.75
- Thursday 10 August: Writing (Years 7-11) - $21.50
- Wednesday 16 August: English (Years 7-11) - $17.75
- Tuesday 22 August: Science (Years 7-11) - $17.75
- Thursday 31 August: Maths (Years 7-11) - $17.75
Registrations, including payment of fees, can be made via the College's Online Store until Monday 6 March (Week 6). No late entries can be accepted after this date.
Please do not hesitate to contact me on tatherton@sacredheart.wa.edu.au if you have further questions regarding this opportunity.
Mrs Tanya Atherton
Head of Gifted and Talented