In late 2020, our Young Vinnies Group formed a partnership with the Anglican Grace Chapel in Joondalup and St Vincent de Paul Northern Conferences to open a drop-in centre for the homeless and disadvantaged each Monday and Friday at the Grace Chapel. Volunteers offer and serve a hot meal, tea and coffee and hampers of donated food for the guests. Our Young Vinnies donate and put together toiletry packs, grocery items and cooked meals.
In December last year, 30 disadvantaged people attended the Grace Café Christmas Party where our Vinnies Group helped by providing turkey and ham for the roast dinner and an individual Christmas bag for each person.
This outreach centre has volunteers from both faiths working side by side each week on Monday and Friday, but more volunteers are desperately needed. If any parent, grandparent or Alumni in our College community would like to volunteer from 9:30am - 12:30pm on either a Monday or Friday, please contact me on 9246 8279 or email hywood@sacredheart.wa.edu.au and you will be offered a place on the roster.
Mrs Rossana Hywood
Administrative Assistant - Social Justice