Specialist Team 

Week 9  Term 2

Phys Ed

District Cross Country

On Tuesday, 6th June, ten of our grade 4-6 students were invited to compete in the freezing cold rain at the District Cross Country event, in Yarra Glen. A massive congratulations to Sam, Makenzie, Hector, Harvey, Liam, Sam, Miller, Kaylee, Will and Isaiah for making it this far. This is something to be incredibly proud of.


Everyone competing ran with persistence and courage, to complete the race to the best of their ability. By virtue of finishing in the top 10 for their category, Harvey (3rd), Will (5th), Sam (8th) and Kaylee (10th) will now proceed to compete at the Region Cross Country, which is being held on June 14th, again at Yarra Glen. We can’t wait to hear how each of our competing students go.


Team Vic Basketball Trials

A massive congratulations to Tom in Grade 6, who has made it through several stages of the Team Vic Boys Basketball Trials. Tom will be attending a training camp during the upcoming school holidays in his attempt to progress through to the next stage. We are very proud of Tom’s achievement to make it this far and are looking forward to hearing all about the camp following the upcoming holidays.


Junior and Senior Hooptime

On Friday 10th June, selected students from Grades 3 and 4 will be competing at the Junior Hooptime tournament at Kilsyth Basketball Centre. We wish each child and team a fun day with their friends.


Our Senior Hooptime tournament, for selected Grade 5 and 6 students, will be held on Friday 15th July. Details of teams will be released to the students soon.


Prep-2 Gymnastics

In the second week of Term 3, Prep-Level 2 students will be attending a Gymnastics Program, held on Mondays (Levels 1-2) and Tuesday (Prep) at Eclipse Gymnastics in Ringwood. It will run over 5 consecutive weeks, with sessions at the same time each week. Thanks to the many families who have already completed payment and permission on Sentral for this fantastic program.


Maker Space

Grade 1&2

We have been building our watercraft and trying very hard to match it to our designs. This is our last week for building because next week we get to demonstrate our prototypes to the class in a pool!

Grade 3 to 6

We are in the midst of recording and editing our podcasts. There is a hive of quiet activity as we take our recording pods to quiet places to try to get the best possible audio quality – very tricky in a space with lots of kids and inclement weather! Podcasts will be finalised and mastered next week.


Students across all year levels have enjoyed learning Auslan. 



Prep students have shown great enthusiasm learning how to sign the National Anthem. 


Grade 1&2

Grades 1 & 2 have been busy creating digital books and short films about signing the alphabet and colours, demonstrating their ability to transfer between English and Auslan. 

Grade 3 to 6

Over the past few weeks Grades 3 to 6 have been busy designing their own mini projects. Using their iPads, they’ve recorded one another signing ‘All about their Families’. We are looking forward to sharing and celebrating their unique and wonderful families. 

Performing Arts 

Donwood Aged Care Excursion

The Junior and Senior Choirs have been working extremely hard to prepare a 45 minute repertoire for the residents of Donwood. They have had extra lunchtime rehearsals and been practising lots at home to learn the lyrics for 10+ songs! They even gave up their time to create small felt flowers to gift to the residents after the show. 

Caleb is accompanying the choir for the song Morning Has Broken, and is doing a fantastic job leading the Senior Choir through this beautiful song. Well done Caleb and all 57 students involved in this excursion on Thursday the 23rd of June.



Inspired by the Australian Artist Laura Blythman, Prep students spent one session printing using a variety of paints and tools, for example, scrapers, sponges, brushes and bubbles, and then a second session cutting out mountains and layering them to create a winter artwork. 


Grade 1

After researching endangered frogs, Grade 1 students drew an oil pastel picture of their chosen frog, sculptured it out of clay and then last week glazed it with colour! Now to create their habitat before taking it home.


Grade 2

Grade 2 students investigated endangered animals and created their chosen species out of clay. They have just come out of the kiln and are looking fabulous!


Grade 3/4

These gorgeous pocket dogs were created by the Grade 3/4s using many different textile techniques.


Grade 5/6

Grade 5/6 students have had the opportunity to work with Mrs Kearton on the pottery wheel this term. Their bowls required patience, control and technique. Next term, students will glaze their bowls ready to take home and house all sorts of trinkets!