School Council News 

Week 9  Term 2

Environment Sub-Committee

A huge thank you to all of our families who attended our Term 2 working bee, helping to replenish the sand pits, freshen up our gardens with mulch, repair fences and seating and undertaking general maintenance - removing cobwebs, weeding, sweeping and rock and leaf collecting.  Your assistance to keep our school grounds safe and attractive is greatly appreciated.  A very special thank you also to the Mansfield family for the generous donation of a large skip for the working bee.


Partnership Sub-Committee

The Partnership Committee has been extremely busy this term with events and fund raising.  Thank you to all of our parents who have assisted or supported the partnerships events.  Last week's Pie Drive was a great success with many families taking home delicious pies to enjoy on a winter's night. 


The upcoming Trivia Night should be a fun night for parents and friends.  Secure your ticket via Trybooking -  Put the 16th July in your diary.   We are on the hunt for raffle prizes for the night.  If you or your business would be interested in donating a prize, could you please email the office to leave details. Thanks you!  


Traffic Flow

Many thanks for your patience and understanding at busy pick-up and drop-off times each day to help keep our students and families safe.  Although generally the traffic flows as well as can be expected, local residents have asked if parents could be mindful not to prevent traffic movement along Dudley Road at the front of the school. This sometimes occurs when parents are waiting to pull into the Kiss and Drop queue.  Aiming to arrive after 3:20 pm (A-K families) will ensure that the pick-up process has started and cars can keep moving.

We have had two near misses in the past week with students running across Lantana Drive to meet parents who are parked along Dudley Road.  We are reinforcing with students that they must walk up to the Dudley Road corner where a yard duty teacher will ensure students can cross safely at the Lantana Road/Dudley Road intersection. 


Finance Sub-Committee

It is great news that the plans for our Music Room have been approved by the Victorian School Building Authority.  After the tender process is completed and a contractor selected, we will be ready to start building!  It is not too late to make a tax deductible donation towards our Music Room project!  Please contact Kerry or Lesley in the office if you would like make a donation before the end of the financial year.