Student Leaders' News 

Week 9  Term 2



The Preps have been learning about Respectful Relationships for CBL. Amali and Harvey from Prep C say they have been learning about respecting our planet and cleaning up after ourselves and other people. Maeve and Blair from Prep A have been learning about respecting themselves by making smart decisions and making healthy choices on what they eat. Oli and Zara from Prep B have also been learning about respecting people, peers, parents and teachers by helping them when they are in need and including them in their games.



1/2 News

It has certainly been an exciting few weeks in Grade 1/2. The kids have been working on being kind to their peers and using their voice to get through tough situations. They play games like ‘the life raft game’ which is a fun game that helps kids include others and learn cooperation. They also focused on who to go to when they need help, and how they can help others. Whilst learning about respectful relationships towards peers, they had lots of fun with their friends throughout the task! 


During writing, the 1/2’s have enjoyed a new activity - ‘Rocket Writing!’ This activity is a short five-minute writing task where you try and write a short story within the time limit. You write your story based on your interpretation of one word. This is a really great task which helps find inspiration for your story. They have also been trying to elevate their writing by adding descriptive words and brilliant beginnings. They have been writing some really amazing stories! 


Maths has been super exciting recently! Grade twos have had tons of fun learning about friends of 10 and 20 whilst grade ones have done exciting addition problems. The grade ones have particularly loved addition. Grade twos are definitely going out of their comfort zone in math but they are loving the new information! 


It has been an amazing few weeks, we hope everyone has an awesome end of Term 2! 


3/4 News

Lately the 3 and 4 students have been learning about Reconciliation Week. Nicholas, Caleb, and Thomas said that they enjoyed researching and answering questions about reconciliation and learning about our past and the Stolen Generation. Devon liked listening about how the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples owned the land before us and also shared about how it was really sad that the Stolen Generation was about peoples children being taken away.


The Grades really enjoyed making a big artwork to hang up in their building. The masterpiece is now finished and we got some people to talk about their experience making it. Jacob commented that he enjoyed using nice colours to colour in his piece of paper and liked how they joined all of the little bits of paper to make one big piece. Cooper helped put up the artwork and loved learning about the rights of First Nations peoples.


The students have also been looking at Respectful Relationships in CBL. Marcus liked learning about others peoples feelings and identifying them, whilst Claire like learning about how to deal with stress and lots of ways to control big feelings.


5/6 News

27th of May to the 3rd of June the 5/6’s  celebrated Reconciliation Week. The students focused on how they could make a change to the community to respect and include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The students have made pledges and have  drawn about Reconciliation Week and it is currently on display in the B.E.R. “ We did a lot of nice things to represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples ” Sharnee said. 



In Grade 6 we have been having a great time mixing and socialising between grades. We have been doing heaps of fun activities on Sorry Day and especially Reconciliation Week! 


Islah from 6A said: “My favourite thing in Reconciliation Week was coming together with all the grade 6’s and writing our fact file on Famous Aboriginal People. I also liked decorating letters to make the words “Be Brave, Make Change.”


We have also been doing something called Respectful Relationships in CBL. We are focusing on making ourselves helpful, positive people.

Once again, lots of people have loved coming together with all the grade 6’s. Most of us go to different classrooms for CBL and have loved experiencing different teachers. We have all loved doing role plays about the correct way to solve something and the incorrect way to do things in life.


Everyone has loved doing these tasks and can’t wait for more!