From the School Captains

Division Cross Country 

The Cross Country runners who made it to Division did an amazing effort. You have to come top 10 in District to make it to Division. Wonga Park had exceptional students who represented our school at  Division. All the participants did their personal best and some kids have made it to Regionals. On the day, everyone went out to Yarra Glen to run their race. They came back with smiles on their faces!


Charlie said,”My favourite part of the race was the oval sprint. It was a great opportunity!”

Isaiah said,”I loved how you got to compete against other schools!”

Will said,”I liked getting to race with other schools.”

Hoop Time

 In the lead up to hoop time, the 3/4’s are busy getting ready for their big competition day. The grade 6’s had an opportunity to coach the 3/4’s for basketball. They are doing the best job of coaching, here are what they love about their coaches. 


Ava said,” My coach is really funny!”

Sophie said,”They are really good at teaching me!”

Nate said,”I like how if you don’t know what you’re doing, they are happy to help!”

Georgia said,”I really love how they give you really good instructions!”

 Reconciliation Week

At Wonga Park we have been learning about Reconciliation Week which is from the 27th of May to the 3rd of  June. During these seven days, the Grade 6’s made their pledges towards all things to do with Reconciliation. Here is a photo of all the amazing pledges.


Scarlet from Grade 5 said,”We all did drawings about Reconciliation week and we watched a video of a famous singer, writing a book about the Stolen Generation.”

Respectful Relationships 

During this program we have learnt about respecting and understanding how to treat others. The preps learnt how to play respectfully with other peers in the playground.  The grade 1’s have been learning about how everyone can be what they dream to be no matter their gender. Both grade 2’s and 3’s have learnt about being social detectives to help understand how a friend may be feeling. They have also learnt how to control their emotions and look for a positive outcome. The Grade 5’s have been learning about reading others emotions in a way they can help that person feel better. Finally, the grade 6’s have been learning about gender expectations, and figuring out how to overcome peer pressure.