From the Assistant Principal

Adele Brice

It's hard to believe we have reached the 2nd last week of Term 2.

After the disruptions to onsite learning over the past two years it has been wonderful to have experienced a semester of uninterrupted learning onsite. 


Communication is important to us, we welcome feedback, please do to hesitate to reach out if you have wonderings or suggestions.


Communication regarding upcoming events/happenings around the school 

Sentral emails & notifications

We regularly communicate with parents via Sentral notifications and emails. If for any reason you or your partner is not receiving communications from us, please let us know. The problem will most likely be that your email details have changed or are not recorded correctly on our system.

Sentral calendar

Our staff have been working hard to ensuring that events are being placed on the Sentral calendar.

You can access the calendar via the Sentral app or entering online via the Sentral website.

IEPs on Sentral 

Some parents will have been notified by class teachers that IEPs were placed on Sentral for their child. We are aware that some parents have experienced difficultly accessing these plans. 

To access an IEP on Sentral, please follow the steps listed below;

-You’ll need to access the plan from a desktop/laptop computer

-Plans are to be viewed in Portal 2 

-Click on your child’s name, under the photo. 

-A tool bar will then appear on the left of the screen – click on ‘Plans’, then view plans that have been created

Please come into see me if you are still experiencing problems with access after following these steps. 


Child Safety 


Before and after school supervision

Please be reminded that staff commence supervising the school grounds from 8.35am, your child/ren should not arrive earlier than this time unless you are supervising them.

Students who arrive prior to 8.35am will be asked to wait in the office foyer.




Accessing resources from the eSafety commission and the Cyber Safety Project team the team we partner with, is something that we don’t always do until something happens that impacts a child or family member. It's important to be proactive in this space. 


Our staff regularly plan Cyber Safety sessions for our students, ensuring they cover issues not only arising for students in their level, but issues that could possibly arise too. 


The eSafety Guide is a wonderful resource which highlights and shares important advice about safety features, including how to use the settings to report online abuse and protect personal information. 

We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the guide and to contact your child's teacher if you have any questions. 

The 2022 free webinars are an excellent resource for parents - a copy of the calendar is below. 


The June webinar is titled; Safer online gaming -

Help your kids stay safe by learning about the benefits and risks of online gaming.

This webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 8 to 13 years of age.

It will cover:

  • the games young people are using and how they are engaging with them
  • the benefits of gaming and how to mitigate the risks
  • practical strategies to use at home and where to find help and support if things go wrong.

Remaining Term 2 dates for Safer online gaming(Australian Eastern Standard Time) 

Friday 17 June 12.30 – 1.30 pm

Tuesday 21 June 7.30 – 8.30 pm


Parental controls 

In case you missed the May webinars on Parental Controls we have included a link below to a video that helps parents and carers to understand more about the different parental controls available and which settings are best suited to your family. It’s designed for parents of young people aged 4 to 13 years old.



Online safety - Conversations Starters for Young People

It’s important to have open everyday conversations with your children regarding online safety. The conversation cards cover topics such as identifying online risks, using technology safely and reporting unsafe behaviour. 


It's been a busy term, our students have worked hard - we hope they enjoy a restful Term 2 holiday period. 

Adele Brice