Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 

Week 9 Term 2

It's hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of Term 2 and that we have been able to be onsite for the whole semester.  Something we have not been able to do since 2019! We are very proud of how brilliantly our students have engaged in their learning and got back into the rigour and social demands of school.  The term definitely provided us with some challenges but we thank everyone for their resilience and understanding as we coped with staff and student illnesses and staffing pressures.  We hope that the holiday break gives everyone a chance to recharge and enjoy time with family and friends.


Semester One Student Reports and Student, Parent, Teacher Conversations

Teachers have been busy moderating learning tasks and assessments, and writing Semester One Student Reports. Recently all of our teachers had a professional practice day (student free day) for report writing. A large amount of work goes into these reports and the moderation process undertaken by teachers, within and across year levels, ensure that student outcomes are consistent and accurate. The Semester One Student Reports were published on Sentral on Wednesday, June 22nd. Please contact the office if you have any problems accessing your child’s report.


Often our mid-year Student-Parent-Teacher conversations have been held in the last week of term. However this year, with the term being quite short (9 weeks), we will be conducting our three-way conversations in the first week of Term Three on Tuesday, 12th July and Wednesday, 13th July.  All of three-way conversations will be held face-to-face unless an online alternative is requested. Parents will receive information shortly about how to book a time via Sentral.


National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week – Be Brave, Make Change

Term 3 Big Idea - 'Country'

National Reconciliation Week, with a theme of ‘Be Brave, Make Change’, was a special time for students to engage in a variety of learning experiences to extend their knowledge and understandings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and achievements.  Our student leaders have reported on the wonderful work done across the school and how each level focussed on unpacking and discussing what Reconciliation means and how we can support it.


We are very excited to be continuing to build upon this work next term when our ‘Big Idea’ in Challenge Based Learning will be ‘Country’. Students will begin their inquiry by building their knowledge and understanding of the importance and connection to Country by the First Nations people.  We look forward to working with Wurundjeri elders and listening to the voices of aboriginal people through their stories, songs and art in order to more deeply understand and respect the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. 

The second phase of our inquiry will focus on how colonisation changed the lives of aboriginal people and how we can all engage in reconciliation and learn to respect and strengthen relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other cultures, for the benefit of all people living in Australia. 


Changes to COVID protocols

DET has announced that from the beginning of Term 3 the following changes will apply - 

'Parents or carers who are COVID positive will be able to leave self-isolation to transport students to and from school.  Parents/carers must travel directly to and from school only and remain in their car unless it is reasonably necessary to leave their vehicle to walk their child to and from the entrance to the school.  Parents/carers are required to wear a face mask at all times - whilst travelling in their car and if they leave their vehicle'.


Tax Deductible Donations

A huge thank you to the many families who have already made voluntary contributions to the school this year.  Just a reminder that tax deductible donations to the Wonga Park Building Fund or Library Fund can be made at any time through the office.  With the end of the financial year nearly here, you may wish to make a donation to support the purchase of new books for our library and the building of our new Music Room (which should begin in Term 3!).  With thanks for your continuing support of our school and our students!


Hoping all of our students and families have a safe and fun-filled term break.  We look forward to seeing you all on Monday, July 11th.

