This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
Thank you for your support of our community in helping spread COVID and other illness in this current state we find ourselves in. Please err on the side of caution. We are very proud of the fact that at St James we have been able to run all classes as intended without cancelling or doubling up classes. Let's hope this continues throughout the year.
Next week is St James Week and we have heaps organised to celebrate our school's saint!
- Sunday 24 July - Parish mass here at St James 2pm followed by afternoon tea/open school buildings and a memoribilia display. see the link below to book a seat at mass.
- Monday 25 July - 9am Mass here at St James for our students and parents
- Tuesday 26 - Thurs 28 July - Various lunchtime activities for students organised by our Yr 6 student leaders
- Friday 29 July - Mini Mission Fete organised by our Yr 5/6 students
Following up on last week's announcement that MACS have instructed Catholic Schools to take an additional school closure day this term to facilitate staff professional learning, we have tentatively organised the final day of the term, Friday 16 September.
About Real Life now online
The About Real Life Family Sessions are available for late bookings. You can access and book tickets with this link:
The first sessions are a facilitated conversation for Years 3 & 4 families about relationships, bodies, foetal development and birth.
The Years 5 & 6 families will discuss puberty, growing up and reproduction. Sessions are not exclusive to year levels so you can book your child into any session.
Tuesday 19 July
6:30 - 7:30pm (Years 3/4)
7:45 - 8:45pm (Years 5/6)
We will email the link to all families who have registered, tomorrow.
Here are a few other updates
- Our Year 4 students played in their Hooptime basketball carnival at MSAC today
- All families are invited to attend our Whole School Mass next Monday to celebrate St James Day - 9am in the Reynolds Community Centre
- We are sending home two food order forms this week.
- One today for our mid term P & F Pasta Day to be held on Wednesday 3 August (note this is a Wednesday and not a Friday)
- Another for our Mini Mission Fete Day Sausage Sizzle to be held on Friday 29 July
- Given the forecast -1' temperature for Wednesday morning we have decided to cancel Marathon Club this week.
- The Year 6 girls will be participating in the Whitehorse Division Girls Football Day on Wednesday 27th of July. If anyone has any football boots that they would be willing to donate so that the girls that don't play football regularly could participate in the day, it would be greatly appreciated. Please drop them into the office.
- Bookclub orders are due back this Friday 22nd July.
Help needed on the farm
Could you spare some time to feed the animals over the upcoming weekends?
Vic is looking for helpers for term 3 weekend, if you are available and keen, please let me know with the dates you wish at
Your reward for helping out is, you get to keep the eggs you collect!
Sat 23th & Sun 24th July | |
Sat 30th & Sun 31st July | |
Sat 6th and Sun 7th Aug | |
Sat 13th and Sun 14th Aug | |
Sat 20th and Sun 21th Aug | |
Sat 27th and Sun 28th Aug | |
Sat 3rd and Sun 4th Sept | |
Sat 10th and Sun 11th Sept |
Have a great week.