Mr Steve Martin


Having recently completed our new Technologies Centre building project, which is part of our Master Capital Development Plan, the College is looking forward to continuing with our Master Plan guiding the College's physical development today and into the future.


Sacred Heart College operates an Australian Taxation Office approved building fund which is designed to receive donations that are solely for use in the construction of College buildings. Donations into the fund are tax deductible.


At this time of the year there is an added opportunity for those who wish to donate by the end of the financial year (Thursday 30 June), as donations made now can be included in your 2021/2022 tax return.* 


Should you wish to donate to the Sacred Heart College building fund, you can do so via the College's Online Store (below), cash, cheque (payable to Sacred Heart College Building Fund) or credit card by calling 9246 8208 during office hours (8:00am - 4:00pm).

We appreciate our families' generosity in supporting our ongoing Master Plan for innovative and cutting-edge learning spaces for every student.


* Please note: this is not tax advice and you should consider your personal circumstances when making a donation.









Mr Steve Martin

Director of Finance and Corporate Services