Physical Education

Jordan Beck
Physical Education
Over the last two weeks our Prep - Year 2 students have enjoyed participating in Football clinics run by AFL Victoria. The purpose of these clinics is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of AFL Football as well as be introduced to fundamental skills involved in AFL gameplay. Students have had a blast playing some fun games while learning the skills of handballing, marking, and kicking.
I would like to say a big thank you to all parents and staff who assisted the year 2-4 swimming lessons this term. It was a big success with the students finishing off their last lesson on Friday the 17th of June with a fun Water Safety day in the pool. All students who participated in swimming lessons should be receiving their certificates from their classroom teachers this week.
Congratulations to the Year 6 Girls Soccer Team for making it into the District Finals in our Winter Inter-School Sports Competition. Kingswood will be versing St Brigid’s on the first Friday back in term 3. Well done girls and good luck!