Year 5 Camp

Year 5 Camp 2022
Cave Hill Creek
Day 1
We had to wake up really early to leave for Cave Hill Creek at 7:30am. We all waved goodbye to our parents, while the bus slowly went forward. We arrived at Cave Hill Creek at 11:30am. We all went to the meeting room and were told our cabin groups and the rules. We had lunch and then got into our activity groups. Some of the activities included canoeing, biking, crate stacking, map reading, bush cooking and archery. For dinner we had potatoes, meatballs and vegetables and for dessert we had ice cream with apple crumble. Our trivia night was a huge success with first place going to Lochy, Riley, Adam, Levi, Lucas and Idan.
Day 2
Much to the teachers’ disappointment, We woke up very early on day 2. For breakfast there was cereal and toast. By 9:00am we were off on our first activity. For lunch we had burgers. Everyone loved them because you got to choose what you had on them! After a long day of activities, people went to tidy their cabins to try and win Mrs Bogicevic’s ‘Tidiest Cabin Award’ (which went to cabins 8 and 4). After dinner we talked about what a blast the activities were. Then we all got our sleeping bags and watched Space Jam New Legacy, starring Lebron James and accompanied by lots of popcorn.
Day 3
We all woke up really early because we had to be at Sovereign Hill at 10:00am! We packed everything for the day and put our suitcases on the bus. We had a quick breakfast, made our own lunches and waved goodbye to our Cave Hill Creek instructors. While at Sovereign Hill we learnt what life was like in the 1800s and learnt how to write our name with ink and dip pens. We also watched a gold smelting demonstration and panned for gold. Full of Raspberry Drops and great memories we headed home.
Honourable Mentions
- Errie falling out of his canoe
- 5 Bullseyes in Archery
- Liam drinking out of a chamber pot
- Alex winning longest leaf competition
Written by Austin 5B