
Aaron Cox
Dear parents and carers,
We made it! Throughout Term 2, there were times I was worried that we were on the brink of requesting a return to remote learning, however, Sharon Lomas seemed to find a way to pull a rabbit out of a hat and save us on multiple occasions.
Our tutors, leaders and local emergency teachers have all been fabulous at ensuring we didn’t slip into remote. Families have also played an essential role by keeping sick children at home rather than sending them to school. These actions helped slow the spread of flu throughout the school. It has helped to ensure classroom teachers were in front of classes as much as possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you one and all.
I am excited for everyone who can head away for holidays, either to warmer parts of Australia or even overseas. I am very jealous of every one of you.
We have noticed as the term has progressed that a few students are waning as the term ends and they need a rest. Please take this holiday as a time for family and fun. Our children have worked hard under difficult circumstances and they have all earned a well-deserved break. Additionally, the second half of the year will be more taxing as we have a 10-week term (Term 3) and a 12-week term (Term 4) ahead of us.
Children have not had the chance to really bring their batteries up to the level they would normally have been at for this time of the year when thinking of pre-covid. It’s not a race, but a case of slow and steady will win the race.
Building Update
There is still nothing to report. I have argued on behalf of the community and presented your collective thoughts which align 100% with staff and now we await a final decision from the powers that be, which I believe is the Minister for Education. I can only anticipate commonsense will prevail as the alternative would defy logic.
Child Safety - Parental Role Modelling
After several reports from parents about behaviours of concern at the front of the school, can parents please use the school crossing on Plaza Crescent and stop crossing the road right near the gate simply because it is more convenient. Please teach your young and impressionable children the right way to cross the road. Poor role modelling only increases the chances of a serious accident in a high traffic area.
The same can be said for the Kiss and Go zones, please do not drop your children off in the Bus Zone and do not leave your car to go pick up your child/ren from the classroom or playgrounds. If you need to collect your child/ren, park further down the street and walk back. Our Kiss and Go zones allow our families to move quickly before and after school.
One car parked incorrectly slows this entire process down for everyone. There have been several fines given out lately for illegal acts at the front of the school. If I could have fines given every day, I would support that from the City of Kingston. We can collectively do better. Rotary has the mantra of ‘service to others above self', we could all learn something from that.
School Review
Our school review will start on July 25th (third Monday of Term 3). We will invite parents, students and teachers to focus groups with our panel members. We will be put under the microscope, successes celebrated and areas of improvement identified for future consideration. We look forward to our review with a sense of excitement and an openness to continuous learning. Bring it on!
Story Dog
From the beginning of Term 3 we will have our first Story Dog attending school to support students in Year 2. I have heard a whisper a second dog might also join the school community. When I have further information about our new visitor, I will share with the school community.