
Year 12 – all finished!

The last of the cohort has headed off to their final exam as you read this. In terms of their school leaver forms, they have provided the best result ever! I am down to about 3 unsigned forms and 2 books still on loan (to 2 people who know where they are and will bring them in). We wish them all the very best for the future and will welcome a visit in the future – especially once we have the new furniture!

Year 7 and 8 Study Skills:

Both year levels have now had their session discussing examination preparation with me. If parents are interested in the advice given, there is a copy in SIMON Knowledge Banks in the Alexandra Library folder in the “Study Skills for Senior Students” section.

Library Books Recall Junior School:

We are nearing the end of the school year. Very shortly Mr Nelson will stop lending books out in Library lessons. We bring all our books back to their home at Junior School for the summer. This year we have high hopes of stocktaking and reorganising the collection.

Over the summer please encourage your children to read, and if you haven’t got a local library card we urge you to sign up – it’s free. Remember, reading is the best gift you can bestow on your children.

Margaret Simkin