The Principal's Pen

Last weekend we were able to join with other schools in our region in the ANZAC march and ceremony. A wide age range of Cornerstone students, from Year 12 all the way to Kindy (!), gathered to march the length of Queen Street to the Memorial, where two of our student leaders laid a wreath along with other community groups. As we proceeded down the main street, one young onlooker asked his Dad “Why are all the mini-kids coming out?”, referring to our young contingent. It struck me that our inclusion of younger and older students was quite unique and that it was a distinction of our College that our community focus is open to everyone.


Thank you to all the parents that brought their students out to the ANZAC ceremony and for supporting our College’s involvement in such an important community event. Our partnership with parents is an essential part of the outworking of our mission of Education for Christ, Character, Community.