Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke                                 Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager             Acting Facilities Manager

Dr Denise Clarke
Frances Hansen
Dr Denise Clarke
Frances Hansen

Capital Works Program (CWP) 


Community Workshops


Thank you to parents and staff who gave up their time to participate in the workshops last week. There was lots of chatter about the initial designs and feedback about about the students needs, ideas that would work well and other parts of the design that would be a challenge.  

We also thank the students who were full of ideas about what they would like to see in the school. Some of the ideas reflected their special interests and others reflected the needs of other students in the school. Student Voice was heard loud and clear!



Parent survey - thank you to parents who have expressed their ideas through the survey designed by the architects. We have had 7 responses and the architects are taking those comments on board. Thank you for your input.


Inclusive Schools Grant Round 6 - Stage 2 - Sensory Modulation Room 


We have been notified by Frank Maguire's Office (Local MP) that we have been successful in gaining $125,000 funding for the extension of the climbing room into a purpose built "crash and bash" area. The grant is  not as large as we had requested, however it will cover a fair bit of the plans and we may have to cover additional costs from elsewhere.  This is a work in progress and more details will emerge soon.