Junior School News

Tracy Peters, Sub School Principal

I would first like to start by welcoming Mal and Phillip to the P-2 Sub School. Phillip is working in 1/2M and Mal is working in Prep D. 


It has been great to see our P-2 students return to school and straight back in to their learning routines. They have been working hard during their investigation time to develop their understandings of living and non-living things.  They have asked really thought provoking questions and are on the journey now to discovering the answers to those questions.


Our Prep staff have begun to organise an incursion for the students. Please keep an eye on COMPASS. We also have a Mini House Cross Country coming up. 


We hope our mums enjoyed their time with students for Mother’s Day activities. It was great to see lots of smiles from our students and mums.


Don’t forgot we want to see all our students practicing reading each night along with their words in their take home folder. Students should also be using the Reading Eggs, Wushka and Mathletics online subscriptions to support their learning at home.