A great start!

Tamara Ghazale
Junior School Leader
Our 2023 Year 7 cohort is approaching life and learning at BSC with enthusiasm and excitement - and we are all in this together as this is my first year at BSC too!
The commencement of the school year is a very busy time, but now that Home Groups are well established, learning plans in place, and the rhythm of the school year is well in swing, we all have the opportunity now to enjoy and appreciate school life together.
There are many challenges in transitioning to secondary school including the daily grind of finding the right room, managing a lock combination, being sure to take the right books to class and keeping up with homework - to name just a few. These challenges become easier (and even fade away) with time, and I have enjoyed watching our newest students become more confident and self-assured with each passing day. Classes are settled and industrious, and include a high level of student contribution which shows that our Year 7 students are eager to learn and comfortable in their new space.
While managing and mastering these small hurdles, the cohort is also adjusting well socially - continuing established friendships, building new friendships, and seeking support with transition from their peers and teachers wherever needed. The commencement of the Cocurricular Program will further facilitate these efforts, providing more avenues for individuals to 'find their people', and encouraging students to get the most out of their learning (and social!) environment.
Students, parents and carers are encouraged to review the information in the A to Z information in the Student/Parent/Carer Handbook to clarify procedures around daily school operationsCocurricular Program
Students can now enrol in any (or many!) of the CCP activities running this year. The CCP is a dynamic program that changes and adjusts each year according to student interest and Year 7 students are encouraged to get in early to book a place! A student can enrol in any variety of CCP actvities - they just have to make sure that they can get to all the sessions. For example, a student might choose to join the Percussion Ensemble (Before school on Tuesday), visit the Rainbow Room (Wednesday lunchtime) and then catch up on their Maths homework at Maths Help (after school on Thursday). Students may find that they are unable to join one activity as it clashes with another, and in this case a choice will need to be made to commit to one or the other. Unfortunately, due to the demands on teacher time and school resources these clashes are unavaoidable - but there is always next year!
Students should look at what is on offer, advertised on Compass and around the school. Go to the CCP program(s) of your choice and ask the teacher to enrol you in the class!Work Practices
Students are reminded that in Week 6 of this term, Work Practices assessments will be released.
Work Practices are critical to success in learning. Students should use their Work Practices assessments to easily identify ways that they can support their own learning and improve their personal study/learning habits. In this way, students are empowered to take an active responsibility for their own education as embracing this approach will set them up for a successful high school career.
Students, Parents and Carers can obtain more in-depth information in the Guidelines to Assessment and Reporting in the Student/Parent/Carer Handbook.
Welcome Event
Our Welcome Evening will be held on Monday, March 6 between 5.00pm and 6.00pm. This event provides a fabulous opportunity for families to visit the school and become more familiar with the environment, and it is also a great way to meet other families and make connections at school. Read Compass News feed for event details and we look forward to your company!
Check out the photos of our newest students in the Year7@brunswick article