2023 School Captains

As your school captains, it is our duty to represent the student body on the School Council.
It is our goal to empower students by giving them a voice wherever possible.
We also hope to promote changes in the we way treat others and promote respect among peers, regardless of their personal characteristics.
Within the next year, we also hope to initiate changes with regard to students’ wellbeing, and we’ll be doing this by collaborating with the staff Wellbeing team. Our aim is to make it easier for students to cope with the stresses of school and ensure they have the support to do so.
Finally, we have some advice for you all moving forward.
We encourage you to explore subjects, and to choose the subjects you enjoy so when you reach senior school, you feel motivated to do well at your studies.
Do your best to develop good study habits early in your school career, because Years 11 &12 are vastly different in both workload and structure.
While organising your time does mean dividing up study time and spending time with friends and family, it is important to allocate time for yourself and your personal wellbeing.
And finally, have fun, stay safe and try to enjoy these school years as much as you can!