Message from the Principal

School Council
I extend my thanks to the outgoing members of the 2022/2023 School Council on a busy, constructive and successful year past. I particularly wish Sienna Seychell and Ryan Wu all the best as they embark upon their tertiary study and work pathways, and thank them for their service as 2022 School Captains. What great ambassadors for the school they and their peers will be, as they leave BSC and forge their way into the future.
I would like also to extend special thanks to Rachael Ploenges for her dedicated service to School Council over past years. Commencing in 2017, over this journey Rachael has held the offices Vice President, Treasurer and President.
Rachael can be very proud of her achievements while working on School Council, most notably taking on the presidency during the Covid19 pandemic. These were testing times and Rachael brought a strength to the role of President, ensuring that School Council remained a cohesive decision-making body for the betterment of the school. I personally have reaped the benefits of Rachael’s wisdom and support and for this I thank her enormously.
On behalf of School Council, I wish Rachael well as she concludes her years of dedicated service to Brunswick Secondary College School Council.
International Education
With the endorsement of School Council, I am travelled to Vietnam on Wednesday 1 March and will return on Wednesday 8 March. The DET International Education Division has organised this trip as part of an international student recruitment program, post Covid19.
Myself and eight other Victorian principals will be speaking to education agents and attending education expos in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. I extend my thanks to Claudia Johnson, who will be Acting Principal in my absence.
To 2023, and we have experienced a mostly positive start to the year. I am pleased that we had 100% of our staffing in place for Day 1 of school.
Swimming Carnival
Every year, the BSC Swimming Carnival is a fun and entertaining event for us all. Excellent student attendance and participation helped to make this most successful, with House Pride very evident - a sea of blue, green, gold and white cheering on the competitors. The day was very warm, so students made the very most of the venue as well as the ample supply of sunblock lotion on hand!
Congratulations to Abyad who rang the Brunswick Bell as the winners of the event. It has been a long time between rings - and the members of Abyad were ecstatic!
Breakfast Club
I am really pleased to report that we have a growing number of parent volunteers running Breakfast Club, which is now running every day of the school week for our students. The array of Grab'n'Go items make sure that even the busiest student has time to enjoy breakfast, which sets them up for a better day of learning.
Many thanks to the committed parent volunteers who keep this program ticking over every day.
Year 7 Welcome Night - Monday 6 March
All Year 7 students and their families are warmly invited to Year 7 Welcome Night on Monday March 6 between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. This event will be held in and around the Junior School (F Block/Green) and is an opportunity for our Year 7 students and families to develop connections with each other and our staff. Families are also invited to bring a plate of something to share. this event will be hosted by Tamara Ghazale (Junior School Leader) and we look forward to your company.
Families are reminded that they can access the Handbook Important Information for 2023 via the Favourites (Star) icon on the Compass dashboard. Reference to this and other documents and links will provide valuable information for students, parents and carers.