Charlie and the Lyrebird Awards

Nic Frame (Secondary Drama Teacher) and Tim  Dehn (Community Relations Manager)

The Lyrebird Awards celebrate excellence within the non-professional performing arts - including schools and theatre groups - in eastern metropolitan Melbourne.


Donvale's production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (June this year) was nominated for twelve awards in the Youth Musical category this year, and won four! 


And deservedly so - it played to full houses at every performance and was sheer delight from start to finish.  A great band, some super voices, wit, timing, cheeky style, cunning special effects, and a crazy chorus of mop-headed oompa loompas dancing and singing to Wonka's every whim.


See below for the awards won, showing that the performing arts continue to flourish at Donvale!

Best Performer in a Supporting Female Role: Liana Ireland-Bright


Best Performer in a Supporting Male Role: Nathaniel Reichman


Best Acting Partnership: Lily Cameron, Isabelle Potter and Tom Waters


Best Ensemble: The entire cast and production team!