Thank You and God Bless

This term we have said good bye to a number of staff who are either retiring or moving on to other roles. You may well remember some of these names from your days here at Donvale.



Peter Clough – an incredible storyteller who has regaled staff and students at DCC for the past 20 years and has been held in awe as a maths teacher by a generation of families. Peter has managed to model authentic faith in a way teenagers get and complement this with his skills as a senior teacher who is gifted in his craft.  




Elizabeth (Biff) Tulloh is a wonderful mentor- teacher who has been involved in curriculum development and Faculty coordination in humanities and English. She has authored text books and designed courses and been a classroom teacher in many contexts since. She is wise and knowledgeable and will be missed. 




Bryar Turner served our Primary students with grace and commitment for nearly 36 years, constantly acting fairly, loving kindness and walking humbly - oh, so humbly - with God.






Changing spaces: 

Lisa Sacristani, who has served at DCC as an English teacher, Year Level Coordinator and most recently as our Head of Junior Secondary, is leaving to take a leadership role at Kingswood College. Lisa has a gift of being able to engage and relate with teenagers whilst still holding their respect. Her leadership has been innovative, ‘hands on’, collaborative and rich in ideas and application around learning and pastoral care.


Tom Evans has been deputy head of Primary as well as carrying a significant classroom teaching role and serving on the Senior Leadership Team. He's moving to Tasmania to take on a Head of Primary role at Devonport Christian School, where Chad Smit (Donvale 2006 - 2016) is Principal.