A Powerful Little Word

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary: writing in August (edited).

One of my absolute joys is meeting new families during the learning interviews which take place during Term 3 each year. I love spending time with the incoming students, finding out about their passions, their attitude toward learning, what they find easy to do and what presents as challenges in life or in the classroom.


There is usually a look of surprise when I tell them that I want learning to be a little bit hard, with eyes that look deeply as I begin to explain what I mean….once I’ve got their attention, I then go on to say something like this… 


"If everything was easy, we wouldn’t really be learning….we would just be doing activities that fill in the time and keep us busy.


"Real learning or deep learning happens when tasks stretch our thinking and our brains need to work hard to make connections, solve problems and develop new understandings.


"Maybe you can’t solve the problem YET, but if you are a learner who never gives up, works hard, and gives your best, then that is the type of learning I want to see happening in your classroom."


We can’t all be experts at everything the first time we attempt a task. The learner who understands and applies this approach to learning is one who knows that they are valued, they feel safe to ask for help and feedback, and in their minds they have embraced a simple but powerful little word….YET, which provides a sense of moving forward and growth. 


I can’t understand this question….YET.

I can’t run that far….YET.

I can’t swing on the monkey bars….YET.

I can’t solve this problem….YET. 


As Christian educators, we appreciate that every student has their strengths, personalities and challenges. At DCC, our approach is to start with each unique creation and support them as they develop the necessary skills and understandings over time, with considerable effort and a whole lot of perseverance, guided by staff and parents who want to encourage and support each learner to reach their God-given purpose and potential.