Building Bridges

Viv Stapleton - Director of Christian Foundations, writing in August

Last Wednesday, eight Year 11 students eagerly anticipated the arrival of 100 students and staff from different faith schools in the eastern region Building Bridges Program. They had carefully planned a program to present the Christian faith and values of our College, as is the responsibility of each host school.


This six session, interfaith dialogue program is an opportunity for Year 11 students to form friendships across cultural and religious divides, discover unexpected commonalities and express their faith in an environment of openness. It has been running for 18 years and Donvale students have benefitted from the opportunity to meet with students from culturally diverse backgrounds for most of that time.  


Our students centred their presentation on what makes Donvale unique. A diverse community united in one God; staff who demonstrate their faith and teach from a biblically directed curriculum; a beautiful environment where we can foster a care for creation; and school values of justice, mercy and humility.


Students described the personal impact their faith in Jesus, in partnership with their school and faith communities, has on their lives.


Over dinner, staff from other schools were generous in their praise for the confident and enthusiastic way our students articulated their faith.